Institute of Wholistic Theology
Belleville NJ
973-759-7588 (New Jersey)
Mission Statement~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3
About the Institute of Wholistic Theology~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3
About LifeSpirit Congregational Church/Northeast
Holistic Center/LifeSpirit Theological Seminary/
Institute of Wholistic Theology~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4
Administration~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5
Being a Minister with LifeSpirit Congregational~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6
Church 22nd Congregation - Northeast Holistic Center
Application Process for the Ministry~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7
Application Process for Degree Program~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8
Degree Programs offered by the Institute of Wholistic Theology ~~~~~~ 10
Vocational Choices~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11
Admission~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11
Enrollment Process~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12
Grading~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12
Student Withdrawal~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 13
Transfer of Credits~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 13
Changes in Program or Major~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 13
Northeast Holistic Center Certification Courses~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 13
Confidentiality of Records~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 14
Lack of Aptitude~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 14
Tuition~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 14
Courses of Study~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 15
Ministerial Certification of Wholistic Theology~~~~~~~~~~ 15
Ministerial Certification of Advanced Wholistic Theology~~~~~ 17
Master of Wholistic Theology~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 20
Doctorate of Sacred Theology~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 22
Doctorate of Divinity~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 24
Course Descriptions~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27
Clinical Aromatherapy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27
Clinical Hypnosis~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27
Clinical Reflexology~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29
Energy Therapeutics~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30
Holistic Nutritional Education~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 31
Holistic Synergy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 33
Mind/Body Connection~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 37
Phytotherapy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 39
Somatokinetic BodyWork~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 40
Electives~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 43
Spiritual growth and understanding through ministering to the body, emotions, mind and spirit exemplifies the philosophy of the Ministerial Educational Program of the Institute of Wholistic Theology.
Education in and the use of various modalities of natural healthcare therapy, interwoven with the teachings of Holistic Synergy™, assists the minister to facilitate the health, healing and spiritual growth and progress of each person on his/her own path.
Each modality offered at the Institute of Wholistic Theology provides the minister with a unique “tool.” Using these “tools” both serves to assist the person and also guides the minister on his/her own journey of self-empowerment, beyond victim-hood to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health and well-being, in short – to true freedom.
The spiritual journey for each minister expands through continuing education and exploration of his/her deepest belief systems that once addressed can eventually develop into a knowing of deep peace, balance and connectedness to the Highest Knowledge available.
The Institute of Wholistic Theology is based upon the energy work of Holistic Synergy™ created by its founder Caroline L. Bayard. The philosophy of Holistic Synergy™ incorporates the health and healing of the body, emotions, mind and spirit. All other forms of healing modalities are enhanced by the usage and philosophy of the spirit of Holistic Synergy™. In order to obtain Certification (Basic or Advanced), Master or Doctorate Degrees through the Institute of Wholistic Theology, under the auspices of the LifeSpirit Theological Seminary, it is essential to be working with, and practicing the philosophy of Holistic Synergy™.
Holistic Synergy™ utilizes the healing energy of the Universal Source to create balance and replenish any disruptions in the life force of the individual. Self-empowerment, service, belief in a Higher Source and a dedication to personal growth are the underlying focus in all of the courses at the Institute of Wholistic Theology.
All Ministerial Certification and Degree Programs are only available to ministers of the LifeSpirit Congregational Church. All Certification and Degree Programs through the Institute of Wholistic Theology are only available to ministers of the 22nd Congregation of the LifeSpirit Congregational Church - the Northeast Holistic Center.
LifeSpirit Theological Seminary
Institute of Wholistic Theology
Northeast Holistic Center L.C.C.
In 1990, the Northeast Holistic Center was founded by Caroline Bayard as a place to study and experience Holistic Synergy™ as well as many other forms of holistic disciplines, for the positive growth of all four energy levels: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. At the Northeast Holistic Center, we believe that all paths lead to the same Universal Consciousness. Through this multi-level, multi-disciplined approach, we encourage each person to grow at his/her own pace. This is the Northeast Holistic Center's goal.
Shortly thereafter, in 1994 the Northeast Holistic Center became the 22nd Congregation of the LifeSpirit Congregational Church (founded in August 1973). In 1991, Caroline Bayard and her husband and co-founder, Barry Rosenstreich, became ordained ministers and Elders of the LifeSpirit Congregational Church. In 2005, Caroline Bayard was elevated to Matriarch for her accomplishments in service to the community, church, education and advancement of Natural Healthcare.
Most recently, in 2008, the importance of academic acknowledgment of the philosophy, service and beliefs that have spurred the work of the Northeast Holistic Center and the LifeSpirit Congregational Church’s other congregations has lead the upper echelon of the LifeSpirit Congregational Church to agree that it was essential to formally create a Seminary, to validate the work that its ministers were doing. The LifeSpirit Theological Seminary was then founded, on January 6, 2008. In support of a total “whole person” healing philosophy, the Institute of Wholistic Theology and its course of study was developed. Enhanced and expanded course work of the Northeast Holistic Center’s certification programs became the foundation for the Institute of Wholistic Theology’s Ministerial Certification and Degree programs.
The philosophy and techniques of Holistic Synergy™ are the foundation of the Natural Healthcare Ministerial Certification and Degree programs. To obtain advanced degrees, it is necessary to complete the Holistic Synergy™ Practitioner Certification plus additional course work and practicum.
Advanced Certifications, Master and Doctorate Degrees in Wholistic Theology are offered at IWT.
LifeSpirit Theological Seminary
Board of Governors:
Rev. Bill Chaison – Earthlink LCC
Rev. Nancy Weber - LightWing Center LCC
Rev. Kathy Greene - LifeSpirit Center LCC
Rev. Barry Rosenstreich – Northeast Holistic Center LCC
President: Rev. Caroline Bayard
Chaplain: Rev. Ralph Fucetola
Institute of Wholistic Theology
Northeast Holistic Center LCC
Dean: Rev. Jason-Cristofe Marcello, B.A., C.W. T., C. A. W. T.
Assistant Dean: Rev. Barry Rosenstreich, B. A., C.W. T.
Rev. Caroline Bayard, B.A., M.W.T., D.S.T., D. D.
Rev. Jason-Cristofe Marcello, B.A., C.W. T., C. A. W. T.
Rev. Barry Rosenstreich, B. A., C.W. T.
Chaplain: Jason-Cristofe Marcello, B.A., C.W. T., C. A. W. T.
Office Staff:
Rev. Mora Vivona
Rev. Patricia Harper, L.P.N.
Rev. Dr. Joan Stroud, M.D.
Rev. Oona’o Haynes
Being a Minister with
LifeSpirit Congregational Church (L.C.C.)-
22nd Congregation - Northeast Holistic Center (N.H.C.)
The Ministry of the Northeast Holistic Center is a ministry of service to the dying, sick, healing, healthy and student. The N.H.C. Ministry includes all ages, races, nationalities, creeds, formal religions and levels of spiritual awareness, regardless of gender or sexual orientation.
The Student Minister learns to interact with the healing process of the general public through the healing work that s/he has studied in the year(s) leading up to ordination. Often, the Student Minister is guided by a Minister Practitioner or Full Minister, to develop an individual approach to the healing practice.
After two years of service, when the Student Minister has recognized that this is his/her true path, they can choose to move on to Minister Practitioner. Additional certifications and levels of spiritual knowledge have been achieved, so that the Minister Practitioner is capable of working out in the community, as well as developing their own practice of healing and education in harmony and relationship with the Northeast Holistic Center.
A period of three years as Minister Practitioner allows the student to grow by completing his/her Holistic Synergy™ Practitioner Certification and be comfortable with all aspects of the training and philosophy. Once the Minister Practitioner fully understands how the energywork of Holistic Synergy™ is an integral part of all healing modalities, s/he may apply for the position of Full Minister. As a Full Minister, s/he has received full rights and privileges of a minister and is working towards starting his/her own congregation, creating his/her own grant program, research program or developing a unique course of study.
When the Full Minister has successfully worked to create his/her own aforementioned program and has successfully run the program for two years (a total of nine years in the Ministry), s/he can work towards the position of Elder. This position is an appointment by recommendation only. The chosen Minister must have successfully developed research, education, grant programs, a flourishing congregation or the like, to be approved for this position.
The position of Patriarch or Matriarch is again an appointed position, in acknowledgment of accomplishment of service to the community or other outstanding work.
Application Process for Minister
L.C.C. - 22nd Congregation - Northeast Holistic Center
A student, having successfully completed one of the appropriate certification programs at the Northeast Holistic Center may apply for Student Ministry with the L.C.C., under the aegis of the N.H.C.
Certification Programs accepted for Student Ministry:
Aromatherapy & You
Basic Herbal Care
Flower Essence Therapy
Holistic Synergy™ Level 1
Advanced Reflexology Certification
Advanced Hypnosis Certification
Once the student has completed one of the above certification programs, they must:
Submit a resume stating qualifications to the Director of
Have a meeting with the Director of Ministers
Request a written recommendation from the Center Director approved by the N.H.C. Director.
Submit a letter of intention to the Patriarch of L.C.C. through
the Director of Ministers
The Director of Ministers will then forward the materials to the Patriarch and the Board of Trustees of the LifeSpirit Congregational Church and await the Board’s decision. If approved, an ordination ceremony will then be arranged.
Process for Degree Programs
Once the Student Minister has been ordained, they are then eligible to apply for admission to the Ministerial Advanced Certification Program. These programs are available at the level of Student Minister of the LifeSpirit Congregational Church, 22nd Congregation, Northeast Holistic Center. If a Minister Practitioner, Full Minister, Elder or Patriarch/Matriarch wishes to obtain any degree from the Institute of Wholistic Theology, it is essential that they begin at the Ministerial Certification level. The Ministerial Certificate levels are a two-year course of study, consisting of a minimum of 60 credits. The student must satisfactorily complete two of the following courses of study:
Phytotherapy - 30 credits
Energy Therapeutics - 30 credits
Mind/Body Connection*+ - 30 credits
Holistic Synergy/Level 1* - 30 credits
Holistic Synergy/Level 2* - 30 credits
*In choosing Mind/Body Connection or Holistic Synergy™ Level 1, the student is taking courses that are a part of the Ministerial Certifications and therefore needs to take additional credits on the Advanced Ministerial Certifications level to have the necessary number of credits.
+If the student has chosen Mind/Body Connection in Ministerial Certifications Program, they will need to take two more electives, with research projects at the Advanced Ministerial Certification level as there is a duplication of two classes in Mind/Body and Holistic Synergy™ Level 1 & 2.
(If the student is choosing to go on to Advanced Ministerial Certification levels, it is highly suggested that they take Holistic Synergy™ Level One plus either Phytotherapy or Energy Therapeutics at the Ministerial Certification Level.)
The course(s) that has been taken prior to applying for LifeSpirit Congregational Ministry is acceptable as one or part of the courses for the Ministerial Certification Program, however additional research and practicum work will be required.
Each level of certification or degree program is directly related to the position the minister holds within the LifeSpirit Congregational Church. The minister must be elevated to the next position within the Church in order to apply for the corresponding certification or degree at that level. However, a Minister does not HAVE to have the certification or degree equal to the level of ministry that they have attained - although it is strongly suggested. Each stated level of ministry can obtain the following certification or degrees IF actively, compliantly fulfilling all duties at said level of ministry. It is HIGHLY suggested that all ministers at each level be enrolled in certification or degree programs, to guarantee their continued spiritual growth in harmony with the philosophy of the LifeSpirit Congregational Church.
Ministerial Certification of Wholistic Theology (C.W.T/):
Relating to the status of STUDENT MINISTER
Ministerial Certification of Advanced Wholistic Theology (C.W.A.T.):
Relating to the status of MINISTER PRACTITIONER
Master’s Degree of Wholistic Theology (M.W.T.):
Relating to the status of FULL MINISTER
Doctorate of Sacred Theology (D.S.T.):
Relating to the status of ELDER
Doctorate of Divinity (D.D.)
Relating to the status of PATRIARCH or MATRIARCH
Members of the ministry who have not previously taken part in the seminary certification and degree programs may, at any time, apply for entry in to the program. Upon acceptance in to the program, such candidates must fulfill all previously unmet requirements of the program, in order to be awarded the certification or degree being sought.
The LifeSpirit Theological Seminary reserves the right to alter the requirements for any specific part or parts of its ministerial certification or degree programs as deemed appropriate, in order to maintain quality and meet the high standards of the education it chooses to provide.
Degrees awarded from other institutions are not a substitute for Institute of Wholistic Theology (IWT) degrees. (Certifications and Diplomas from other institution(s) may be evaluated by the Dean of the Institute of Wholistic Theology to determine whether they can be incorporated as a possible basis for the ministerial certification and degree programs). Candidates must complete the IWT certification or degree program to be awarded the certification or degree being sought.
Ministerial Certifciation and
Degree programs offered by
The Institute of Wholistic Theology
Ministerial Certification of Theology - Phytotherapy#
Ministerial Certification of Theology -Mind/Body Connection#
Ministerial Certification of Theology - Energy Therapeutics#
Ministerial Certification of Theology - Holistic Synergy Level1# or Level 2 and 2 (As decided upon by your Ministerial Advisor)
#Must be a combination of two of any of #ed courses.
Ministerial Certification of Advanced Theology in Phytotherapy+
Ministerial Certification of Advanced Theology in Energy Therapeutics+
Ministerial Certification of Advanced Theology in Holistic Nutrition Options+
Ministerial Certification of Advanced Theology in Clinical Hypnosis +
Ministerial Certification of Advanced Theology in Clinical Reflexology +
+Must be taken in combination with Holistic Synergy Levels 1, 2, and 3.
Master’s Degree of Theology in Holistic Nutritional Education*
Master’s Degree of Theology in Clinical Reflexology*
Master’s Degree of Theology in Clinical Hypnosis*
Master’s Degree of Theology in Foundations of Clinical Aromatherapy
Master’s Degree of Theology in Somatokinetic™ Bodywork
*Must be a combination of any of *ed courses.
Doctorate of Theology in Holistic Nutritional Education*
Doctorate of Theology in Clinical Reflexology*
Doctorate of Theology in Clinical Hypnosis*
Doctorate of Theology in Clinical Aromatherapy (consult Seminary Advisor)
Doctorate of Theology in Somatokinetic™ Bodywork
*Must be a combination of any of *ed courses.
Doctorate of Divinity in Holistic Nutritional Education*
Doctorate of Divinity in Clinical Reflexology*
Doctorate of Divinity in Clinical Hypnosis*
Doctorate of Divinity in Somatokinetic™ Bodywork
Doctorate of Divinity in Clinical Aromatherapy (consult Seminary Advisor)
Or Doctorate Degree Program approved by Board of Directors
*Must be a combination of any of *ed courses.
Vocational Choices
Being a Minister with LifeSpirit Congregational Church and holding a ministerial certification or degree with the Institute of Wholistic Theology opens the doorway to many possibilities for a new career path. The Northeast Holistic Center trains teachers, lecturers, practitioners, consultants, counselors and ministers. By attaining a degree through the Institute of Wholistic Theology, you validate your natural healthcare training with the credibility of a Theological Certification or Degree. Through its relationship and commitment to the Northeast Holistic Center and its work, IWT creates the opportunity to work with:
•Managing a Natural Healthcare Center
•Research projects
•Medical Professionals
And also to receive the training to be a:
•Ministerial Counselor
•Natural Healthcare Professional
•Life Coach
•Spiritual Counselor
Upon acceptance to I.W.T., each student is assigned a seminary advisor who guides the student in the best options to focus the student to reach his/her desired educational goals. Although there are strict limits on the amount of the time taken to finish a particular course of study, such as Basic Herbal Care, there is no limit on the period of study for a particular certification or degree program, as long as the student stays in written and verbal communication with their appointed Institute of Wholistic Theology advisor. Courses start at varying times throughout the year. Since the degree programs are a student’s self-paced independently motivated study program, the student and advisor create the program, and the student must pursue it through his/her own determination and focus to completion. The student must exhibit self-discipline, desire and motivation to attain his/her desired educational and career goals.
Requirements for admission are a high school diploma or satisfactory completion of the General Education Development (GED) test, and a desire to serve people in their health and healing process, whether that process is on the physical, emotional, mental or spiritual level.
Enrollment Process
To qualify for enrollment in the certification or degree programs in the Institute of Wholistic Theology, the applicant must have successfully completed certification courses with the Northeast Holistic Center, applied for and been ordained in the Ministry of the LifeSpirit Congregational Church, and be in good standing as both Minister and student of the Northeast Holistic Center. All students must be at least eighteen (18) years old.
As a Minister of the Northeast Holistic Center/LifeSpirit Congregational Church, you may request an application for the Seminary. At this time, you will be assigned a Seminary Advisor, who will assist and guide you with your choices throughout your degree program(s). Any questions that may arise about major, tuition, grading, and timely completion of course work and major changes will go through your Seminary Advisor. Your Advisor’s business card will be included with your enrollment forms. Applications may be mailed to:
Institute of Wholistic Theology
212 DeWitt Avenue
Belleville, NJ 07109
A $35.00 non-refundable processing fee must be sent along with the application to the Seminary.
With each course of study that is taken, homeworks represent 30% of your grade. They must be completed in full, in the timely manner according to the standards set by your teacher, for the particular course that you are taking. Attendance is mandatory for each class, and is 10% of the grade. In the case of an excused absence, the class must be made-up by the end of the semester. An unexcused absence will be considered withdrawal from that course and require a meeting with advisor before reenrollment in the course is permitted. An assigned research project, a written exam a practical exam are each 20% of the grade.
Passing is 80%. Anyone with a lower grade at the completion of the course is offered a chance to retake the practical and/or written exam and do another research project in the student’s “weak area”.
At the end of each successfully completed course, you will receive a certificate of completion. At the end of the certification or degree program, you will receive an unofficial transcript along with your diploma or ministerial certification.
Student Withdrawal
Within 30 days enrollment, if you have not completed any homework or marked any course paperwork, a 90% refund of tuition is available; 30-60 days a refund of 50%. After 60 days, no refund is available. To withdraw, you must contact your Advisor. A leave of Absence may be granted upon meeting with your seminary advisor and the Director of Ministers.
Transfer of Credits
Since the curriculum of the Institute of Wholistic Theology is a specific philosophy of healing, centered on the core teaching of Holistic Synergy™ as formulated by its creator, Caroline Bayard, each course of study has it own unique presentation of philosophy. If you should already be certified in a particular subject from another institution, your Advisor will guide you to take a different major or to choose to study the Institute of Wholistic Theology’s approach to the subject matter. Since this is a Seminary with a specific philosophy, you will learn a different approach to healing in the process, even though some of the tools may be the same. There is no transferring of credits to or from another seminary, school or college without the specific permission of the Dean of the Institute. ..
Changes in Program or Major
Any student enrolled in the Institute of Wholistic Theology who wishes to switch to another program or major will pay any difference in the program price along with a $200 administration fee. The student will return any unused materials, books or supplies that apply to the original program. Changes can only occur within 30 days of the initial enrollment.
Northeast Holistic Center Certifications Courses
Any courses satisfactorily completed from the N.H.C. prior to becoming a Minister may be utilized in the Institute of Wholistic Theology’s certification or degree program courses. Additional practicum and research work as well as fees to cover such work, will need to be completed to meet the standards of the Institute of Wholistic Theology courses. If on-line courses were taken, the same additional work and fees will apply.
Confidentiality of Records
The following information is allowed as directory information: name, address, phone number, major, date of enrollment and prospective graduation, degrees and awards received. Student must submit a written request that the information NOT be released.
Lack of Aptitude Policy
If at any time during enrollment, the I.W.T. academic staff determines a student does not have sufficient seminary aptitude to succeed within his/her enrolled program, the student may withdraw. This is at the discretion of the curriculum committee following discussion with the student. In such case, no ministerial certification or degree will be awarded. A certificate of attendance will be issued upon completion.
Each of the following programs is set up as a major for certain degree or certification programs. Check the individual degree program to find out what degree or certification levels that the program applies to. As such the cost of each entire program is $3600 per program.
Clinical Hypnosis
Clinical Reflexology
Energy Therapeutics
Mind/Body Connection
Holistic Nutrition Educator
The following courses are set up to be a two or more year courses of study. Each course of study is $7200.
Somatokinetic BodyWork
Foundations of Aromatherapy
Journey of Aromatherapy
Master of Aromatherapy
The following course is set up to be a three year course of study. The entire course of study is $10,800, but may be paid for one level at a time at $3,600.
Holistic Synergy: Level 1
Holistic Synergy: Level2
Holistic Synergy: Level3
Please speak to your Seminary Advisors about individual payment options.
Each course of study has additional fees for supplies, books and any required repeat or make-up classes.
Courses of Study
Ministerial Certifications in Wholistic Theology (C.W.T.)
A student must have 60 credits for completion of the Ministerial Certification. The student can select one or two of the following courses of study. If the student elects to take the Holistic Synergy™ program, their Ministerial Certification will state Holistic Synergy Level 1 and the other certification. If the student is seriously thinking of going on for a Ministerial Advanced Certification or higher degree, it is strongly suggested that they complete Holistic Synergy™ Level 1 as a part of his/her Ministerial Certification.
PhAY: Aromatherapy & You.....................................7.5 credits
PhBH: Basic Herbal Care.........................................10 credits
PhFE: Flower Essence Therapy................................12.5 credits
Total: 30 credits
Energy Therapeutics
ETHI: Homeopathy: Introduction to.......................10 credits
ETCT: Color Therapy................................................7.5 credits
ETCW: Crystal Worker..............................................5 credits
ETCA: Crystal Artisan...............................................7.5 credits
Total: 30 credits
Mind/Body Connections
HIHI: Advanced Hypnosis ......................................10 credits*
CRRI: Advanced Reflexology ..................................14 credits*
HSAM: Amazing Mind Journey..................................3 credits*
SKMI: Massage 101: Introduction to………..............3 credits*
Total: 30 credits
*If the student chooses to go on to Advanced Certifications, some of the courses are duplicated in the Holistic Synergy™ Program and will need to be replaced with approved classes. See your Seminary Advisor to determine necessary alterations in your course of study.
Holistic Synergy™ Level 1+
HS1P: Physical.........................................................3 credits
HS1E: Emotional ....................................................3 credits
HS1M: Mental ........................................................3 credits
HS1S: Spiritual .......................................................3 credits
CRR1: Reflexology 1 ...............................................1.5 credits
HIH1: Hypnosis 1 ...................................................1.5 credits
HSA1: Amazing Mind Journey 1.............................1.5 credits
HNC1: Conscious Choices/Eating 101…………....3 credits
HCT1: Case Taking 101………..............................3 credits
HSBF: Introduction to Bach Flower Essences.........3 credits
HS1C: Certification Weekend.................................4.5 credits
Total: 30 credits
+Holistic Synergy ™ Level 1 and either Phytotherapy or Energy Therapeutics is the foundation needed to complete the Ministerial Advanced Certifications after receipt of the Ministerial Certifications. Be aware that they are listed along with the other courses in the Ministerial Advanced Certification Program. Holistic Synergy ™ Level 1 is not considered a complete certification at this level.
Possible Certifications available upon completion of Ministerial Certification Program:
Ministerial Certification of Wholistic Theology
Ministerial Certifications in Phytotherapy and Holistic Synergy™ Level 1
Ministerial Certifications in Phytotherapy and Mind/Body Connection
Ministerial Certifications in Phytotherapy and Energy Therapeutics
Ministerial Certifications in Energy Therapeutics and Holistic Synergy™ Lv. 1
Ministerial Certifications in Energy Therapeutics and Mind/Body Connection
Ministerial Certifications in Energy Therapeutics and Phytotherapy
Ministerial Certifications in Mind/Body Connection and Phytotherapy
Ministerial Certifications in Mind/Body Connection and Energy Therapeutics
Ministerial Certifications of Advanced Wholistic Theology
Completed Ministerial Certification in Holistic Synergy Levels 1, 2, 3,
.A student must have 120 credits for completion of the Advanced Ministerial Certification. The student majors in Holistic Synergy™. If the student took the Ministerial Certification Program first, then an additional 60 credits or completion of the entire Holistic Synergy program (90 credits) is required. Then the student can minor in one of the following programs:
Energy Therapeutics
Holistic Nutrition Education
Clinical Hypnosis
Clinical Reflexology
Level One: Holistic Synergy
HS1P: Physical.........................................................3 credits
HS1E: Emotional ....................................................3 credits
HS1M: Mental ........................................................3 credits
HS1S: Spiritual ........................................................3 credits
CRR1: Reflexology 1 ...............................................1.5 credits
CHH1: Hypnosis 1 ..................................................1.5 credits
HSA1: Amazing Mind Journey 1.............................1.5 credits
HNC1: Conscious Choices in Eating 101................3 credits
HCT1: Case Taking 101………..............................3 credits
HSBF: Introduction to Bach Flower Essences…….3 credits
H1CW: Certification Weekend...............................4.5 credits
Total: 30 credits
Level Two: Holistic Synergy
HS2P: Physical..........................................................3 credits
HS2E: Emotional .....................................................3 credits
HS2M: Mental .........................................................3 credits
HS2S: Spiritual ........................................................3 credits
SKM1: Massage: Introduction 101…......................1.5 credits
CHH2: Hypnosis 2 ..................................................3 credits
HSA2: Amazing Mind Journey 2.............................1.5 credits
HSLV: Living Our Visions Everyday.......................3 credits
HSAB: Aromatherapy Blending 2............................4.5 credits
H2CW: Certification Weekend................................4.5 credits
Total: 30 credits
Level Three: Holistic Synergy
HS3P: Physical.........................................................3 credits
HS3E: Emotional ....................................................3 credits
HS3M: Mental ........................................................3 credits
HS3S: Spiritual ........................................................3 credits
CHH3: Hypnosis 3 ..................................................4.5 credits
HCT2: Case Taking 102..........................................3 credits
HSHT: Herbal Therapeutics....................................1.5 credits
HSPC: Parenting & Child Counseling.....................1.5 credits
HSNZ: Enzymes 101 & 102………….....................4.5 credits
H3CW: Certification Weekend...............................3 credits
With a minor in one of the following: Total: 30 credits
PhAY: Aromatherapy & You.....................................7.5 credits
PhBH: Basic Herbal Care.........................................10 credits
PHFE: Flower Essence Therapy...............................12.5 credits
Total: 30 credits
Energy Therapeutics
ETHI: Homeopathy: Introduction to.......................10 credits
ETCT: Color Therapy................................................7.5 credits
ETVW: Crystal Worker.............................................5 credits
ETCA: Crystal Artisan..............................................7.5 credits
Total: 30 credits
Holistic Nutrition Education
HNC: Conscious Choices in Eating 101*, 102..........4.5 credits
HNT: To Eat or Not to Eat 101, 102.........................4.5 credits
HNE: Enzymes 101*, 102*, 201, 202, 300...............15 credits
HNVM: Natural Sources Vitamins/Minerals…….....1.5 credits
HNRK: Re-creating the Kitchen…............................1.5 credits
HNC1: Case Taking 101*..........................................3 credits
Total: 30 credits
*In replacement of Enzymes 101 and 102, addition class hours will need to be made up – seek the advice of your Seminary Advisor.
Clinical Hypnosis
CHH1: Hypnosis 1: Introduction*.............................1.5 credits
CHH2: Hypnosis 2: Self Hypnosis..............................3 credits
CHH3: Hypnosis 3: Regression Therapy ...................4.5 credits
CHH4: Hypnosis 4: Spiritual Regression ...................3 credits
CHH5: Hypnosis 5: Pain Management .....................3 credits
CHH6: Hypnosis 6: Stress Management ...................3 credits
CHH7: Hypnosis 7: Dealing with Abuse ...................3 credits
CHH8: Hypnosis 8: Dealing with Addiction..............3 credits
HSC: Case Taking Skills 101*, 102*..........................6 credits
Total: 30 credits
Clinical Reflexology
CRR1: Reflexology 1: Feet*......................................1.5 credits
CRR2: Reflexology 2: Hands & Feet*......................3 credits
CRR3: Reflexology 3: Body* ....................................4.5 credits
CRR4: Advanced Reflexology..................................8.5 credits
CRCA: Clinical Reflexology.....................................8 credits
HSAB: Aromatherapy Blending*.............................4.5 credits
Total: 30 credits
*Duplicated in other courses of study may need substitution credits.
Possible Advanced Certifications available upon completion of Ministerial Advanced Certification Programs
Ministerial Certifications Advanced Wholistic Theology:
Certification in Holistic Synergy and Phytotherapy
Certification in Holistic Synergy and Energy Therapeutics
Certification in Holistic Synergy and Holistic Nutrition Education
Certification in Holistic Synergy and Clinical Hypnosis
Certification in Holistic Synergy and Clinical Reflexology
Ministerial Master’s of Wholistic Theology (M.W.T.)
Prerequisite: Advanced & Clinical Ministerial Certifications of Wholistic Theology. A student must have 60 credits beyond the Advanced Ministerial Certifications for completion of the Master’s Degree. The student may take any two Programs. This will equate to a double major for the Master’s Degree. However, if the student chooses Somatokinetic™ BodyWork or Clinical Aromatherapy, these are in themselves single major (60 credits) in itself.
To complete the Master’s Degree of Wholistic Theology, the student MUST be actively developing their philosophy of natural healing. It is required that the student satisfactorily completes one of the following:
Develop and present their own lecture series for 2 years.
Create and implement a research program for 2 years.
Develop and run a grant program for 2 years.
Successfully run an N.H.C. Center for 2 years.
Holistic Nutrition Education
HNC: Conscious Choices in Eating 101, 102............4.5 credits
HNT: To Eat or Not to Eat 101, 102.........................4.5 credits
HNE: Enzymes 102, 102, 201, 202, 300...................15 credits*
HNVM: Natural Sources Vitamins/Minerals…….....1.5 credits
HNRK: Re-creating the Kitchen…............................1.5 credits
HNC1: Case Taking 101............................................3 credits
Total: 30 credits
*In replacement of Enzymes 101 and 102, addition class hours will need to be made up – seek the advice of your Seminary Advisor
PhAY: Aromatherapy & You.....................................7.5 credits
PhBH: Basic Herbal Care.........................................10 credits
PHFE: Flower Essence Therapy...............................12.5 credits
Total: 30 credits
Energy Therapeutics
ETHI: Homeopathy: Introduction to.......................10 credits
ETCT: Color Therapy................................................7.5 credits
ETVW: Crystal Worker..............................................5 credits
ETCA: Crystal Artisan................................................7.5 credits
Total: 30 credits
Clinical Hypnosis
CHH1: Hypnosis 1: Introduction...............................2.5 credits
CHH2: Hypnosis 2: Self Hypnosis..............................3 credits
CHH3: Hypnosis 3: Regression Therapy ...................4.5 credits
CHH4: Hypnosis 4: Spiritual Regression ...................3 credits
CHH5: Hypnosis 5: Pain Management .....................3 credits
CHH6: Hypnosis 6: Stress Management ...................3 credits
CHH7: Hypnosis 7: Dealing with Abuse ...................3 credits
CHH8: Hypnosis 8: Dealing with Addiction..............3 credits
HSC: Case Taking Skills 101, 102..............................5 credits
Total: 30 credits
Clinical Aromatherapy++
CAFA: Foundations of Aromatherapy.......................60 credits
CAJA: Journey of Aromatherapy...............................60 credits
CAMA: Master of Aromatherapy..............................60 credits
++Prerequisite: Aromatherapy & You Certification Total: 180 credits
Clinical Reflexology
CRR1: Reflexology 1: Feet*......................................1.5 credits
CRR2: Reflexology 2: Hands & Feet........................3 credits
CRR3: Reflexology 3: Body.......................................4.5 credits
CRR4: Advanced Reflexology..................................8.5 credits
CRCA: Clinical Reflexology.....................................8 credits
HSAB: Aromatherapy Blending*.............................4.5 credits
Total: 30 credits
Somatokinetic™ BodyWork
SKBI: Intro to Somatokinetic BodyWork................1.5 credits
HSC1: Case Taking Skills*.......................................6 credits
CRR: Reflexology 1, 2, 3*.........................................9 credits
SKAn: Anatomy 1, 2................................................6 credits
SKBW: Somatokinetic™ BodyWork 1, 2, 3, 4.......12 credits
HSAB: Aromatherapy Blending 1, 2*......................4.5 credits
SKM: Massage 1*, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8........................12 credits
SKPa: Pathology 1, 2.................................................6 credits
SKEH: Exercise & Healing.......................................3 credits
Total: 60 credits
*A part of Holistic Synergy™ Program-additional elective must be taken to fulfill requirements.
Doctor of Sacred Theology (D.S.T.)
Prerequisite: Master’s of Wholistic Theology. A student must have 30 credits for completion of the Doctorate. The student may take any Programs that they have not taken for previous certification or degree programs.
To complete the Doctorate of Sacred Theology, the student MUST be actively developing their philosophy of natural healing. It is required the student satisfactorily complete one of the following:
Develop/present their own Certification/Degree Program for 2 years.
Develop and present their own lecture series for 4 years.
Create and implement a research program for 4 years.
Develop and run a grant program for 4 years.
Successfully run an N.H.C. Center for 4 years.
Doctorate Programs Available:
Holistic Nutrition Education
HNC: Conscious Choices in Eating 101, 102............4.5 credits
HNT: To Eat or Not to Eat 101, 102.........................4.5 credits
HNE: Enzymes 102, 102, 201, 202, 300...................15 credits*
HNVM: Natural Sources Vitamins/Minerals…….....1.5 credits
HNRK: Re-creating the Kitchen…............................1.5 credits
HNC1: Case Taking 101............................................3 credits
Total: 30 credits
*In replacement of Enzymes 101 and 102, addition class hours will need to be made up – seek the advice of your Seminary Advisor.
PhAY: Aromatherapy & You***..............................7.5 credits
PhBH: Basic Herbal Care.......................................10 credits
PHFE: Flower Essence Therapy............................ 12.5 credits
Total: 30 credits
***Prerequisite for Clinical Aromatherapy
Energy Therapeutics
ETHI: Homeopathy: Introduction to........................10 credits
ETCT: Color Therapy.................................................7.5 credits
ETVW: Crystal Worker...............................................5 credits
ETCA: Crystal Artisan................................................7.5 credits
Total: 30 credits
Clinical Hypnosis
CHH1: Hypnosis 1: Introduction...............................1.5 credits
CHH2: Hypnosis 2: Self Hypnosis..............................3 credits
CHH3: Hypnosis 3: Regression Therapy ...................4.5 credits
CHH4: Hypnosis 4: Spiritual Regression ...................3 credits
CHH5: Hypnosis 5: Pain Management .....................3 credits
CHH6: Hypnosis 6: Stress Management ...................3 credits
CHH7: Hypnosis 7: Dealing with Abuse ...................3 credits
CHH8: Hypnosis 8: Dealing with Addiction..............3 credits
HSC: Case Taking Skills 101, 102..............................6 credits
Total: 30 credits
Clinical Aromatherapy++
CAFA: Foundations of Aromatherapy.......................60 credits
CAJA: Journey of Aromatherapy...............................60 credits
CAMA: Master of Aromatherapy..............................60 credits
++Prerequisite: Aromatherapy & You Certification Total: 180 credits
Clinical Reflexology
CRR1: Reflexology 1: Feet*......................................1.5 credits
CRR2: Reflexology 2: Hands & Feet........................3 credits
CRR3: Reflexology 3: Body.......................................4.5 credits
CRR4: Advanced Reflexology..................................8.5 credits
CRCA: Clinical Reflexology.....................................8 credits
HSAB: Aromatherapy Blending*.............................4.5 credits
Total: 30 credits
Somatokinetic™ BodyWork
SKBI: Intro to Somatokinetic BodyWork................1.5 credits
HSC1: Case Taking Skills*.......................................6 credits
CRR: Reflexology 1, 2, 3*.........................................9 credits
SKAn: Anatomy 1, 2................................................6 credits
SKBW: Somatokinetic™ BodyWork 1, 2, 3, 4.......12 credits
HSAB: Aromatherapy Blending 1, 2*......................4.5 credits
SKM: Massage 1*, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8........................12 credits
SKPa: Pathology 1, 2.................................................6 credits
SKEH: Exercise & Healing.......................................3 credits
Total: 60 credits
*A part of Holistic Synergy™ Program-additional elective must be taken to fulfill requirements
Doctor of Divinity
Prerequisite: Doctorate of Sacred Theology. A student must have 30 credits for completion of the Doctorate of Divinity. The student may take any program that they have not taken for previous degree program.
To complete the Doctorate of Divinity, the student MUST be actively developing their philosophy of natural healing. It is required that the student satisfactorily complete one from each of the following two lists:
Develop and present their own lecture series for 6 years. Develop/present their own Certification/Degree Program for 6 years.
Create and implement a research program for 6 years.
Develop and run a grant program for 6 years.
Successfully run an N.H.C. Center for 6 years.
Research/develop/present new program of study for 2 years
Publish articles in the Natural Healthcare field for 2 years
Do ground breaking work in the field of Natural Healthcare
Doctorate Programs Available:
Holistic Nutrition Education
HNC: Conscious Choices in Eating 101, 102............4.5 credits
HNT: To Eat or Not to Eat 101, 102.........................4.5 credits
HNE: Enzymes 102, 102, 201, 202, 300...................15 credits*
HNVM: Natural Sources Vitamins/Minerals…….....1.5 credits
HNRK: Re-creating the Kitchen…............................1.5 credits
HNC1: Case Taking 101............................................3 credits
Total: 30 credits
*In replacement of Enzymes 101 and 102, addition class hours will need to be made up – seek the advice of your Seminary Advisor.
PhAY: Aromatherapy & You***..............................7.5 credits
PhBH: Basic Herbal Care.......................................10 credits
PHFE: Flower Essence Therapy............................ 12.5 credits
***Prerequisite for Clinical Aromatherapy Total: 30 credits
Energy Therapeutics
ETHI: Homeopathy: Introduction to......................10 credits
ETCT: Color Therapy...............................................7.5 credits
ETVW: Crystal Worker.............................................5 credits
ETCA: Crystal Artisan..............................................7.5 credits
Total: 30 credits
Clinical Hypnosis
CHH1: Hypnosis 100: Introduction..........................1.5 credits
CHH2: Hypnosis 200: Self Hypnosis.......................3 credits
CHH3: Hypnosis 300: Regression Therapy ............4.5 credits
CHH4: Hypnosis 400: Spiritual Regression ...........3 credits
CHH5: Hypnosis 501: Pain Management ..... .........3 credits
CHH6: Hypnosis 502 Stress Management ... ..........3 credits
CHH7: Hypnosis 503: Dealing with Abuse ............3 credits
CHH8: Hypnosis 504: Dealing with Addiction.......3 credits
HSC: Case Taking Skills* 101, 102 ........................6 credits
Total: 30 credits
Clinical Aromatherapy++
CAFA: Foundations of Aromatherapy.................... 60 credits
CAJA: Journey of Aromatherapy............................ 60 credits
CAMA: Master of Aromatherapy............................ 60 credits
Total: 180 credits
++Prerequisite: Aromatherapy & You Certification
Clinical Reflexology
CRR1: Reflexology 1: Feet*......................................1.5 credits
CRR2: Reflexology 2: Hands & Feet........................3 credits
CRR3: Reflexology 3: Body.......................................4.5 credits
CRR4: Advanced Reflexology..................................8.5 credits
CRCA: Clinical Reflexology.....................................8 credits
HSAB: Aromatherapy Blending*.............................4.5 credits
Total: 30 credits
*A part of Holistic Synergy™ Program-additional elective must be taken.
SKBI: Intro to Somatokinetic BodyWork................1.5 credits
HSC1: Case Taking Skills*.......................................6 credits
CRR: Reflexology 1, 2, 3*.........................................9 credits
SKAn: Anatomy 1, 2................................................6 credits
SKBW: Somatokinetic™ BodyWork 1, 2, 3, 4.......12 credits
HSAB: Aromatherapy Blending 1, 2*......................4.5 credits
SKM: Massage 1*, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8........................12 credits
SKPa: Pathology 1, 2.................................................6 credits
SKEH: Exercise & Healing.......................................3 credits
Total: 60 credits
*A part of Holistic Synergy™ Program-additional elective must be taken to fulfill requirements
Course Description
Clinical Aromatherapy
Foundations of Aromatherapy:
This is Level One of three levels for Clinical Aromatherapy Certification. Level One is to introduce the student to the basic foundations of aromatherapy without going deeply into the chemistry of essential oils, blending, or anatomy and physiology as related to aromatherapy. All homework and research work deal with one essential oil in one carrier at a time. A more in depth study of blending of multiple essential oils and the chemistry of essential oils is covered in later levels.
Journey of Aromatherapy:
Besides the addition of new essential oils and carrier oils, the focus of this level of Aromatherapy is the chemistry of Aromatherapy. Discover the importance of the distillation process in relationship to the quality of the oils, purity and adulteration - all very important factors in dealing with clinical aromatherapy. Learn about botanical origins and chemotypes. A basic introduction to the chemistry of essential oils, their structure and energy, and much more is involved.
Master of Aromatherapy:
The point of focus for this series of classes is the biology of essential oils: understanding where essential oils come from. Once again, additional essential oils and carrier oils are worked with on a clinical basis, working with physical disorders on a multi-faceted case taking and healing level.
Clinical Hypnosis
Hypnosis: Introduction
100: Explore what hypnosis really is. Learn to recognize when each person goes into a hypnotic state naturally during his/her everyday life. Be able to explain what hypnosis is and why the majority of the population is really capable of being hypnotized if they want to be. Discussions of the common misconceptions of what hypnosis is will dispel the myths. Investigate the different stages or levels of hypnosis that an individual is capable of achieving. Learn about trance. Do experiential work with different levels of suggestibility to hypnosis. Find out what the indications of a hypnotic state are, and when and why it is inappropriate to use hypnosis on a client.
Hypnosis: Self Hypnosis
200: Supervised experiential work centered on the home study assignments will be a large part of the day’s class work. There will be discussions about professional presentation of yourself and your business, as well as points on being an ethical hypnotist. Learn what the client is saying through his/her body language and eye movement is presented. Accessing what the client “really” wants assistance with is often the largest part of a hypnosis session.
Hypnosis: Regression Therapy
300: When working with Regression Hypnosis, it is essential to be aware of the “games” that a client may use to avoid getting to the root cause of an issue. Learn some techniques to get through those “blocks”. Working with the nuances of a client is the key to successfully assisting the client. Realize that when working with Regression Therapy, there may be clients who have challenges using the visual channel. Learn techniques to assist the client to open their visual channel. Become aware of how to assess the client’s ability to visualize during the initial phone interview.
Hypnosis: Spiritual
400: There are times when working with a client that you will discover issues of a person’s connection to his/her Higher Source that need to be addressed. After working with regression therapy in previous classes, you can access the client’s beliefs regarding the source of the problem - such as agreements to come back and do certain work, anger at God, not wanting to be on this Earth. All of these topics and more are delicate and important issues to deal with. Techniques and skills are developed in the class.
Hypnosis: Pain Management
501: The ability to release pain without medications is available to many people through the use of hypnosis. Accessing the parts of the mind and body that promote healing can be done and can create radical changes in a person’s health. Often times, pain and illness are caused by a memory that needs to be released from the body. Through the use of hypnosis, the natural healing of the body can be accessed.
Hypnosis: Stress Management
502: Stress can be the foundation of a lot of illness and other problems in a person’s life. Helping a client to create other options for dealing with stress can create new perspectives in dealing with how the client can live their life. Perspective is how we deal with life. A new positive perspective can assist a client in living a stress-free life.
Hypnosis: Dealing with Abuse
503: Patterns of abuse are learned early in life, and the source is often forgotten. The person continues to repeat the patterns in minor or intense ways, time and again. Repeated challenges in life like the wrong type of mate, abusive bosses, and money challenges can all be related to learned patterns from childhood which can be changed to more positive ways of living life.
Hypnosis: Dealing with Addictions
504: Addictions come in many unexpected forms. Addiction is about the “need” to have something rather than just wanting it. People often have addictions that they have a challenge even identifying. When someone is constantly in abusive relationships, which is a form of addiction, the person is addicted to abuse. It is a pattern learned and the person is unable to substitute a positive action or reaction in its place, thereby creating a new positive pattern. Learn how to access positive belief systems that can replace the negative addictions.
Case Taking Skills 101, 102
The ability to ask questions, in a way that the client divulges all of the important answers, is a talent that must be developed to make a good practitioner. No matter what the modality, clients are accustomed with giving short and incomplete answers, often forgetting pertinent points in their health history. It is important to realize that a simple question like “how do you feel?” has many possible responses, depending on the interpretation of the word “fine.” Each client has their own pain scale, their emotional upset threshold, and their own level of being unconscious or confused. It is the good communicator that can learn to speak the language of the person that they are conversing with. This is the process that is worked with in these classes.
Clinical Reflexology
Reflexology 100
Explore the history of reflexology from ancient times to present day advances and the development of zone theory into present day reflexology. Experience simple techniques to get you started. Systematically learn and work with different anatomy systems, their basic functions and positions on the feet. Learn relaxing “desserts” that aid the client in releasing stress and opening the potential for healing.
Reflexology 200
New techniques and desserts are presented for foot reflexology. Next, the similarity between foot and hand reflexology is discussed. Learn how techniques and desserts of foot reflexology translate to the hands. Work with some typical patterns of healing for specific disorders to expand your repertoire.
Reflexology 300
A whole new world of approaching reflexology is presented through body reflexology. Learn points on the head, face, ears, legs and more that access a greater level of healing through reflexology. The client will be able to do personal health workouts to promote their healing between sessions. More patterns of healing for new disorders are presented during this course.
Reflexology 401, 402, 403, 404
Learn to incorporate other natural health options with your reflexology practice. In these classes we explore natural health options to deal with specific disorders. Explore the causes of the specific disorders, along with diet, exercise and natural remedies that can assist in the healing process. Learn evaluative techniques to assist in the healing of the client. Working with and understand the bones, muscles and tendons of the feet and hands.
Clinical Approaches to Reflexology 501, 502, 503, 504
Reflexology is becoming more acceptable in the medical community. Knowing the appropriate ways to do case taking, recording reports and gathering data to present in a clinical manner can really assist your business, and further validate your work as a reflexologist. There will also be exploration of meridian work as related to the feet and how meridians work in the body.
Aromatherapy Blending
How do scents affect our lives? How can a practitioner utilize essential oils and blends in the healing process? What makes a “good” aromatherapy blend? All this and more about how to work with thirteen essential oils, and a few carrier oils that can create health supporting blends for use with other therapies or by themselves to assist the client are a part of this class.
Energy Therapeutics
Homeopathy: Introduction to
Discussion of the history and philosophy of Homeopathy is a basic foundation for this course. Working with the philosophy of the Law of Similars and Hahnemann’s “like cures like” concept, a basis for the use and development of Homeopathy expands into the Homeopathy of today. Learning to work with the “whole” person, instead of the causation of the disease, is the next step in the development of a personal philosophy of Homeopathy. Understanding potency and frequency of repetition of a remedy are also discussed. Case taking skills, repertorization and choice of remedy for the client for acute cases are presented.
Color Therapy
How color influences your life, health and well-being is a part of every culture. Once we become aware of the ways people, cultures, businesses and belief systems really affect our lives, we can choose with conscious intent to utilize this knowledge and information to enhance all that we have or want in our lives, and dis-empower those aspects of our lives that we want to eliminate. The study of Feng Shui, crystals, stained glass, Five Element Theory and the work of Dinshah are important parts of this course of study.
Crystal Worker
May the Quartz Be with You
Delve into the mineral world and learn how to unearth the mystery of crystals. Examine specimens of clear quartz. Explore their various characteristics, and crystalline structure. Learn of their cultural uses throughout history. Cleansing, programming, communicating, power of intent, energy balancing and layouts are included in this seminar.
Chakra Rocks
Chakra is, a Sanskrit word, when translated means “spinning wheel of energy”. Our subtle body houses seven main chakras, and contains hundreds of others. Chakras affect our well-being: when out of balance, we feel discomfort and disease.
Crystal Therapeutics 1
The healing properties of ten commonly used stones are explored. Learn to attune to the crystals, ascertain the bodily organ they pertain to, and how they can facilitate general health. Discover how these stones can assist in the healing process of common ailments and with the emotional and mental components of the ailments. Meditations and layouts are conducted, and healing body work, energy balancing, intention and bodily function aspects are reviewed.
Crystal Therapeutics 2
More than ten additional stones are explored in regards to their relationship to the organ systems of the body, using the philosophy of Five Element Theory, a Chinese system that interconnects the organ systems to the glands, muscles, seasons and colors. How this theory relates to crystal work is a part of the classwork. Discover how working with the organ systems and their corresponding crystals can bring healing. Prerequisite: Crystal Therapeutics 1.
Gem Essences and Metals
Gem essences or gem elixirs have long been used for greater health, energy and well being. Learn how a gem essence is made. Discover how gem essences can enhance your crystal layouts, beauty, piece of mind and general vitality. Also discover metals and how they affect and enhance your crystal work. Metals are conductors of energy and can facilitate its movement in the electromagnetic field of the body.
Crystal Artisan
There are many different types of “rocks” in the world. Some of these rocks have been classified as gems and crystals. This course of study introduces the student to a large variety of these gems and crystals and how they can be used in healing through lay-outs, wearing the crystals, making gem essences, and putting them in power places around your home, office or property. This course gives you an introduction to their use, identification and healing.
Holistic Nutritional Education
Conscious Choices in Eating 101, 102
Learn why each person has their OWN dietary needs. Find out what foods are potentially appropriate for you and your way of life. Explore the issues of emotional eating, familial eating patterns, addictive eating patterns and coping eating patterns. Learn to work with food in a friendly and individualistic manner.
To Eat or Not To Eat 101, 102
Once you realize how food affects your life, you can then learn to explore how the same foods affect you differently depending on what life activities you are engaged in. What is appropriate for a lazy Sunday afternoon is totally different from what you had for that long hike you took on Saturday. In the last two classes, you became conscious of how food affected you in your daily physical, emotional, mental and spiritual balance. Now is the time be truly conscious and realize how food is the real fuel for all that you choose to do.
Enzymes 101, 102
“Enzymes are the spark of life. Without them, life could not exist. They are the workers that make your body function.” (Dr. Howard Loomis) Explore how enzymes work in the body. Learn about the different kinds of enzymes and how the body uses them. In these two classes you will learn the 36 palpation points and appropriate questions to ask in finding out where the deficiencies lie for each client.
Enzymes 201, 202
After working with various case studies from the knowledge gained in Enzymes 101 and 102, you will focus on refining your palpation skills. Since being able to recognize the correct muscle tension and texture is the basis for a good evaluation, careful testing and questioning of the clients will be actively addressed in these classes.
Enzymes 300
Once the student is proficient in their palpation skills, it is essential to address the ability to correctly evaluate the information gathered. The day will be spent in careful review of all of the practicum case studies the students have done thus far - in group with their fellow students, under the supervision of the teacher.
Natural Sources of Vitamins and Minerals
Many times the stressors of living life cause vitamin and mineral deficiencies in the body. As Americans, we take too many multiple vitamins, minerals and other supplements- often times overdosing on these supposed health aids. The healthier way is to find natural options through food, herbs and natural additives to enhance the diet.
Re-creating the Kitchen
How many foods, staples, cooking utensils and implements are in your kitchen that you haven’t used for the past two years? If it has gotten that far and you haven’t done anything about it, it is time to empty all of your cabinets, clean out the refrigerator and freezer, and figure out how you really want to cook and eat! After taking Conscious Choices in Eating and To Eat or Not to Eat, you will now have the ability to eliminate wasted food and space in your kitchen.
Case Taking
201: Case taking skills are the foundation of any successful healthcare practice. Although these skills vary in each modality, with nutrition, in-take is a bigger challenge than in other modalities. There are special forms and skills that are necessary, to develop good rapport with, and acquire excellent background knowledge from your client.
Holistic Synergy™
Holistic Synergy™ Level 1:
Physical: Manifesting a Healthy Body
Investigate healing energy as it works within the body’s energy fields. Experience how energy is distributed throughout the body, especially the energy of the brain. Begin to understand how the mind affects the health of the body. Learn the basic techniques of working with the energy through the philosophy of Holistic Synergy.
Emotional: Calming the Sea of Emotions
The emotions and the body are directly connected - explore this energetic circuitry. Working with the emotional influences of disease and healing, continue to experience how the energies differ from the physical to the emotional level, so that you can feel the imbalances before the client tells you that there is something wrong. Learn how to release the negative blockage and infuse them with the healing light.
Mental: Creating Positive Thought Everyday
Learn simple techniques to alter perceptions and change the way you think about things. Find out how your own words are sabotaging your communications and success. On a new level, experience the connection between the physical, emotional, and mental energy fields, and where blockages appear. Do further work with clearing blockage and infusing healing energy.
Spiritual: Earth to Spirit!
Spirituality is what you believe - your basic belief systems. As you grew, you were taught these basic belief systems. Find out if you are still comfortable with these learned belief systems. If you find out that is time to change them, you will learn easy ways to work with them, energetically and mentally. As you grow spiritually belief, systems do change!
Reflexology: Foot: Introduction to
100: Explore the history of reflexology, from ancient times to present day advances. Find out how zone theory was developed into mapping out the body, to present day reflexology. Learn the tools to develop your own personal approach to work with your clients. Experience simple techniques to get you started. Systematically learn different anatomy systems, their basic functions and positions on the feet. Work with appropriate techniques to stimulate these systems and relaxing “desserts” that aid the client in releasing stress and opening the potential for healing.
Hypnosis: Introduction
100: Explore what hypnosis really is. Learn to recognize when each person goes into a hypnotic state naturally during his/her everyday life. Be able to explain what hypnosis is and why the majority of the population is really capable of being hypnotized, if they want to be. Discussions of the common misconceptions of what hypnosis is will dispel the myths. Investigate the different stages or levels of hypnosis that an individual is capable of achieving. Learn about trance state, and how few people ever achieve it. Do experiential work with different levels of suggestibility to hypnosis. Find out what the indications of a hypnotic state are, and when and why it is inappropriate to use hypnosis on a client.
Amazing Mind Journey
101: You are what you think! Find out how to improve communications by working with visual, auditory and feeling words and cues to match the person that you are speaking with. Work with anchors, self-hypnosis and collapsed realities to alter your perception for a healthier and happier life.
Conscious Choices in Eating
101: Learn why each person has their OWN dietary needs. Find out what foods are potentially appropriate for you and your way of life. Explore the issues of emotional eating, familial eating patterns, addictive eating patterns and coping eating patterns. Learn to work with food in a friendly and individualistic manner.
Case Taking Skills 101
101: The ability to ask questions, in a way that the client divulges all of the important answers, is a talent that must be developed to make a good practitioner. No matter what the modality, clients are accustomed with giving short and incomplete answers, often forgetting pertinent points in their health history. It is important to realize that a simple question like “how do you feel?” has many possible responses depending on the interpretation of the word “fine.” This is the process that is worked with in this seminar, so that the practitioner gets the answers needed to help the client to get better.
Introduction to Bach Flower Essences
Bach Flower Essences are an important part of emotional healing. Dr. Bach believed that disease generated from stuck and unexpressed emotions left to manifest into physical aliments, emotional disorders and many forms of dysfunctionalities in a person’s life. Through the use of Bach Flower Essences, emotions can unfold like the petals of a lotus to get to the fully bloomed flower of the personality to create a whole and happy person.
Holistic Synergy ™ Level 2:
Through the processes of art therapy, meridian work and exploring Chinese Five Element Theory, you can better understand how energy is the source of healing within the body. Experiential work with the meridians in the body leads to an ability to feel energy more easily. The connectiveness of the body’s organs, glands and parts is then further explored by understanding the Chinese concept of Five Element Theory through Earth, Fire, Metal, Water and Wood and their destructive and nurturing qualities.
Experiment with an emotional/mental “21 day diet” that can assist you to completely change your life. Learn what you don’t want and do want, can assist you to request what is really important to have in your life. Learn the issues and work through the sabotage. Work continues with Five Element Theory, as well as breathwork and color therapy.
Dispel the myth of how the mind learns, and finally make learning fun. For growth to become easy and fun-filled, it is best to re-learn the fun in growing. Further work includes color therapy, meditation and conscious breathing.
Belief systems can aid you in your growth process, BUT they can also contribute to failure. Those coping mechanisms that you learned when you were young may well now be invalid and need to be altered. Re-examine old belief systems and come to terms with your respon(d)s-ability and the world you have chosen to live in.
101: Basic techniques of massage, working with the arms, hands, legs and feet are the focus of this introductory class in massage. Draping, massage creams, oils and blends and paperwork are also introduced. The practitioner learns to be comfortable with working on the client’s body and possible ways of dealing with client questions.
Hypnosis 200
Supervised experiential work centered on the home study assignments will be a large part of the day’s class work. There will be discussions about professional presentation of self and your business, as well as points on being an ethical hypnotist. Discussions about reading body language and NeuroLinguistic Programming techniques of matching and pacing are a part of the learning of the pre-hypnosis interview process. Accessing what the client “really” wants assistance with is often the largest part of a hypnosis session.
Amazing Mind Journey 102
After mastering the basic techniques of Amazing Mind Journey 101, you further explore the world of anchors and collapsed realities. Experiential work with reframing the past for future success and happiness by changing perspective is also explored. Learn techniques that assist you or your client to create the world in a way that will bring real happiness.
Living Our Visions Everyday
Do you know what you want and yet fail to get it? OR, do you know what you don’t want and always get it anyway? Either way, L.O.V.E., a goal setting process, can assist you to stop the sabotages in your life achievements. Whether it is in business or your personal life, being able to state what you REALLY want in writing so that you can evaluate and empower it, is a very powerful process. This is the objective of this course.
Aromatherapy Blending
How do scents affect our lives? How can a practitioner utilize essential oils and blends in the healing process? What makes a “good” aromatherapy blend? All this and more about how to work with thirteen essential oils and a few carrier oils can create health supporting blends for use with other therapies or by themselves to assist the client are a part of this class.
Holistic Synergy™ Level 3:
The brain controls the processes of the body. In this class, you will work with balancing the brain, the cranium and the sacrum, as well as balancing the electrical and fluid systems of the body. Learn about the ebb and flow of the energies of the body, from the brain to the sacrum. Being able to feel the blockage along this passage way and learning to alter the energies can bring about healing and health.
It is now the time to work with life’s basic fears and joys. How you experience and identify with these emotions is how you live your life. In this class, you are asked to look at and find out just how willing you are to really deal with your emotions. Emotions are not really something to stuff and deny. They are sometimes to be experienced and enjoyed, and finally come to peace with.
Perception, yours and other peoples’, guides your life. Learn how to think, acknowledge what you are thinking, temporarily detach from the unwanted thoughts, and restructure the negative thoughts into positive thoughts with the positive energies to empower them, and then finally, enjoy your positive thoughts and release them into the Universe to bring more to you.
Are there belief systems that flow from one generation to the next, and one society to the next? Explore how family and world belief systems permeate the growth of the world itself. These belief systems then seep into your belief systems and behavior patterns. Do you choose to follow them?
Hypnosis 300
When working with Regression Hypnosis, it is essential to be aware of the “games” that a client may use to avoid getting to the root cause of an issue. Learn some techniques to get through those “blocks”. Working with the nuances of a client is the key to successfully assisting the client. Realize that when working with Regression Therapy, there may be clients who have challenges using the visual channel. Learn techniques to assist the client to open their visual channel. Become aware of how to assess the client’s ability to visualize during the initial phone interview.
Herbal Therapeutics Pouch
Learn about the healing properties of herbs. Experiential work with infusions, salves, tinctures and lotions are a part of the day’s work. Weather and season permitting, an herbal identification and gathering walk will assist to make herbs a real part of your world as they are all around you.
Parenting & Child Counseling
Learn basic techniques of parenting, to assist in dealing with children effectively. Work with “the monster within” the hurt child to assist their healing process. Techniques to assist parent and professional alike are explored in the class.
Case Taking 102
Each client has their own pain scale, their emotional upset threshold, and their own level of being unconscious or confused. It is the good communicator that can learn to speak the language of the person that they are speaking with. This is the process that is worked with in this seminar so that the practitioner gets the answers that help the client to get better.
Mind/Body Connection
Advanced Hypnosis
Hypnosis 100: Introduction
Explore what hypnosis really is. Learn to recognize when each person goes into a hypnotic state naturally during his/her everyday life. Be able to explain what hypnosis is and why the majority of the population is really capable of being hypnotized, if they want to be. Discussions of the common misconceptions of what hypnosis is will dispel the myths. Investigate the different stages or levels of hypnosis that an individual is capable of achieving. Learn about trance state, and how few people ever achieve it. Do experiential work with different levels of suggestibility to hypnosis. Find out what the indications of a hypnotic state are, and when and why it is inappropriate to use hypnosis on a client.
Hypnosis 200: Self Hypnosis
Supervised experiential work centered on the home study assignments will be a large part of the day’s class work. There will be discussions about professional presentation of yourself and your business, as well as points on being an ethical hypnotist. Discussions about reading body language and NeuroLinguistic Programming techniques of matching and pacing are a part of the learning of the pre-hypnosis interview process. Accessing what the client “really” wants assistance with is often the largest part of a hypnosis session. Various techniques to assist you in accomplishing this are a necessary part of the class. The professional need for appropriate documentation of the work you do with the client, as well as financial record keeping will be emphasized in the class.
Hypnosis 300: Regression Therapy
When working with Regression Hypnosis, it is essential to be aware of the “games” that a client may use to avoid getting to the root cause of an issue. Learn some techniques to get through those “blocks”. Working with the nuances of a client is the key to successfully assisting the client. Realize that when working with Regression Therapy, there may be clients who have challenges using the visual channel. Learn techniques to assist the client to open their visual channel. Become aware of how to assess the client’s ability to visualize during the initial phone interview.
Hypnosis 400: Spiritual Issues
201: There are times when working with a client that you will discover issues of a person’s connection to his/her Higher Source that need to be addressed. After working with regression therapy in previous classes, you can access the client’s beliefs regarding the source of the problem - such as agreements to come back and do certain work, anger at God, not wanting to be on this Earth. All of these topics and more are delicate and important issues to deal with. Techniques and skills are developed in the class.
Advanced Reflexology
Reflexology 100
Explore the history of reflexology, from ancient times to present day advances. Find out how zone theory was developed into mapping out the body to present day reflexology. Learn the tools to develop your own personal approach to work with your clients. Experience simple techniques to get you started. Systematically learn different anatomy systems, their basic functions and positions on the feet. Work with appropriate techniques to stimulate these systems, and relaxing “desserts” that aid the client in releasing stress and opening the potential for healing.
Reflexology 200
New techniques and desserts are presented for foot reflexology. Next, the similarity between foot and hand reflexology is discussed. Learn how techniques and desserts of foot reflexology translate to the hands. Work with some typical patterns of healing for specific disorders to expand your repertoire.
Reflexology 300
A whole new world of approaching reflexology is presented through body reflexology. Learn points on the head, face, ears, legs and more that access a greater level of healing through reflexology. The client will be able to do personal health workouts to promote their healing between sessions. More patterns of healing for new disorders are presented and worked with during class.
Reflexology 401, 402, 403
Learn to incorporate other natural health options with your reflexology practice. In these classes we explore natural health options to deal with specific disorders. Explore the causes of the specific disorders along, with diet exercise and natural remedies that can assist in the healing process. Study the bones, muscles and tendons of the feet and hands. Go into greater depth about what the marking, colors, textures, etc. of the feet can tell you about the health of your client. Learn how to create protocols of health for your clients.
Amazing Mind Journey 101, 102
101: You are what you think! Find out how to improve communications by working with visual, auditory and feeling words and cues to match the person that you are speaking with. Work with anchors, self-hypnosis and collapsed realities to alter your perception for a healthier and happier life.
102: After mastering the basic techniques of Amazing Mind Journey 101, you further explore the world of anchors and collapsed realities. Experiential work with reframing the past for future success and happiness by changing perspective is also explored. Learn techniques that assist you or your client to create the world the way it will bring real happiness.
Massage 101, 102: Introduction to
101: Basic techniques of massage, working with the arms, hands, legs and feet are the focus of this introductory class in massage. Draping, massage creams, oils and blends and paperwork are also introduced. The practitioner learns to be comfortable with working on the client’s body and possible ways of dealing with client questions about what a medical massage is.
102: Work continues with addressing the muscles of the upper back, neck and ribs. The student is made aware of the different textures of muscles, as well as determining how deep/intense the massage should be to release toxins and create relaxation without causing the client pain.
Aromatherapy & You
Aromatherapy is a non-invasive, non-toxic, and pleasurable way to enhance our lives. It utilizes essential oils, or the vital, alive part of a flower, plant, fruit, grass or tree, that is distilled in order to remove the active, fragrant part of the oil from its other components. This concentrated essential oil is what we work with. Aromatherapy and You is the study of 66 essential oils and over 10 carrier oils, as well as various background information related to the use and history of essential oils.
Basic Herbal Care
Herbs have been used as a healing art form for centuries. It is just lately that there is once again a widespread awareness of their healing properties. Herbs are the foundation of knowledge for chemical medications. Through effective education in their proper usage, it is possible to utilize natural herbal remedies in place of chemically toxic drugs. A minimum of sixty-five herbs is covered, in addition to research, plant and leaf identification and herbal lore.
Flower Essence Therapy
Using the flower essences of Bach, the father of flower essences as a starting point for the emotional development and mental reference point, FES American flower essences, Alaskan Flower Essences and Master Flower Essences are also integrated into the practitioner's expansive repertoire. An in depth study of the Bach seven categories of emotions takes the participants on a journey of exploration of their emotions and thought patterns. They are opened to looking at their entire world in a new and supported manner. Flower essences offer the emotional support to deal with crisis, change, growth, fear and obsessive behaviors, and all of the emotionally charged experiences in their lives. The ability to identify emotions that in the past might have been considered confusing is explored through matching and opposing flower essences that deal with these emotions.
Somatokinetic™ BodyWork
Introduction to Somatokinetic™ BodyWork
The premise of Somatokinetic™ BodyWork is for the practitioner to be able to sense more than the simple technique that is being taught. This introductory class explores the differences between regular massage and body work and the ability to palpate muscles, tendons, etc., and sense the individual energy blockages, as well as the connective line of energy blocks, back to the source - whether it be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. Learning to recognize skin coloration issues, markings on the skin, and veins in inappropriate places are a small part of what the Somatokinetic™ BodyWork courses are about.
Somatokinetic™ BodyWork
There are four levels of Somatokinetic Bodywork. The initial classes 101 and 102 contain some massage work, so as to acclimate the student to thinking of massage in a different way. As a sampling of what is covered in the entire course, there are listings for 101 and 102. The course contains CranioSacral Therapy, Orthobionomy, Deep Tissue Massage and other techniques.
101: This class covers different modalities, starting from the sacral and lumbar areas, then to the thoracic, with Orthobionomy techniques. Next, simple massage techniques are explored in the shoulder/neck area, and lastly, work the rhythm of CranioSacral at the skull area.
102: The student is now comfortable with several basic techniques covering the entire spine/dorsal area. Accessing the CranioSacral rhythm at the feet is the next process to be explored. Moving up the body, the student will work with a demanding tailbone adjustment that really helps clients with tailbone challenges. Further work is done with Orthobionomy in the thoracic area. After a session of deep muscle work in the neck/shoulder area, the ever so gentle technique of Light Touch will bring the spine into balance and harmony.
103 & 104: Further explore different approaches to physical healing, by working with what the energies are telling the practitioner, and then knowing how to assist those energies to health, through physical movement of the body’s parts.
Massage will be experienced and explored from an “energy feeling” way of working. Even though the massage will be simple for those who may have worked with massage before, the ability to sense and work with the energy in the muscles, tendons and entire body will add a new dimension to massage. Once again, here is a sampling of what is covered in the massage classes.
101: Basic techniques of massage, working with the arms, hands, legs and feet are the focus of this introductory class in massage. Draping, massage creams, oils and blends and paperwork are also introduced. The practitioner learns to be comfortable with working on the client’s body and possible ways of dealing with client questions about what a medical massage is.
102: Work continues with addressing the muscles of the upper back, neck and ribs. The student is made aware of the different textures of muscles, depending on the life style of the client, as well as determining how deep/intense the massage should be to release toxins and create relaxation without causing the client pain.
103 & 104: Releasing stress and pain through evaluation of the source of the challenges and slowly working to that source to heal the issue at a deep level that brings long-term relief is the focus of the more advanced classes.
Reflexology 100
Explore the history of reflexology, from ancient times to present day advances. Find out how zone theory was developed into mapping out the body, to present day reflexology. Learn the tools to develop your own personal approach to working with your clients. Experience simple techniques to get you started. Systematically learn different anatomy systems, their basic functions and positions on the feet. Work with appropriate techniques to stimulate these systems and relaxing “desserts” that aid the client in releasing stress and opening the potential for healing.
Reflexology 200
New techniques and desserts are presented for foot reflexology. Next, the similarity between foot and hand reflexology is discussed. Learn how techniques and desserts of foot reflexology translate to the hands. Work with some typical patterns of healing for specific disorders to expand your repertoire.
Reflexology 300
A whole new world of approaching reflexology is presented through body reflexology. Learn points on the head, face, ears, legs and more that access a greater level of healing through reflexology. The client will be able to do personal health workouts to promote their healing between sessions. More patterns of healing for new disorders are presented and worked with during class.
Looking at disorders from a natural healing perspective is how pathology is studied in these classes. Determining the medical explanation and causation of a disorder can be found in textbooks. Discovering the wholistic approach to the disease is how these classes are taught.
Exploring and experiencing the connectiveness of the body’s bones, muscles and tendons, as well as how diet, stress, exercise and disease affect each part of the body, is what is to be set up in these classes. Examine how a knee problem (a potential for surgery) could really be a problem with the hip and a side effect of menopause. How the practitioner looks at the anatomy of the body affects the ability of the client to create a healing journey.
Case Taking Skills
The ability to ask questions, in a way that the client divulges all of the important answers, is a talent that must be developed to make a good practitioner. No matter what the modality, clients are accustomed to giving short and incomplete answers, often forgetting pertinent points in their health history. It is important to realize that a simple question like “How do you feel?” has many possible responses depending on the interpretation of the word “fine.” Each client has their own pain scale, their emotional upset threshold, their own level of being unconscious or confused. It is the good communicator that can learn to speak the language of the person that they are conversing with. This is the process that is worked with in this seminar, so that the practitioner gets the answers that help the client to get better.
Exercise and Healing
Exercise is one of the most important aspects of healing. So often the people who need it the most, think that they can’t exercise because they are too sick, hurt too much, are too tired, or whatever. If the client is awake and can think and visualize, the exercise process can happen. This class is about exercise for the healing process to happen for those who are sick and really want to heal.
Aromatherapy & Blending
How do scents affect our lives? How can a practitioner utilize essential oils and blends in the healing process? What makes a “good” aromatherapy blend? All this and more about how to work with thirteen essential oils and a few carrier oils can create health supporting blends for use with other therapies or by themselves to assist the client are a part of this class.
Auric Evaluation and Healing
Experiencing an Aura can be done in many ways. Seeing the colors and shapes of the aura is possible to the visual sensitive healer. Feeling the energetics of the aura and its imbalances is the basis of many healing techniques. Using tools to experience an aura is another option. Learn to evaluate and use aura healing as a part of your healing path.
Chakra Therapy
The ancient Sanskrit word “Chakra” means “spinning wheel”. Throughout the body there are hundreds of chakras in the energy fields of the body. Today, most spiritual practices focus on the seven major chakras. Learn about and work with the balancing of these chakras to produce physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.
Creating Healthy Human Interaction
In human relationships, so much is focused on creating a relationship that can lead to a romantic prospect. In reality, all interactions between two (or more) humans are based on either a healthy interaction or continued patterns of abusive coping mechanisms. Discovering patterns of healthy interaction and learning to acknowledge those patterns that need help is the basis of the class.
Creative Expression
Creativity has been judged since the child first tried to do “something” in a manner different than the parent. The first step of creativity in the relationship between child and adult was the word “NO”. This is why the creative process is so limited in many people’s lives. Judgments limit creativity. Learn how to release those judgments and develop your own creative bent.
Dealing with Death and Grief
Death and grief are not limited to the loss of the physicality of a loved one. Each microsecond of each day every person experiences loss. Because of the way that we are taught in today’s society, some losses have a greater impact than others. The truth is that the cycle of “death” – “endings” – “completion” – “space for something new” – “rebirth” must all be explored, for they are all the same. A person’s reaction or response to the situation is what brings about grief or rejoicing. Learn to reframe the emotions to what is truly appropriate for you.
Family Counseling
The basic format of working with a family in a counseling situation is discussed. This is the basic introductory class for an entire program focusing on family counseling. It is a good starter in considering if the student wants to include working with families as a part of their ministry. Realize that the family is a unit, and each member of the unit has feel validated and worthy of participating in the health and growth of the family. When one member of the family responds in a dysfunctional manner the entire family is dysfunctional. The family stop to operate in health and love.
Feng Shui
Based on the ancient art of placement in China, Feng Shui can assist in creating a more comfortable and inviting office, healing place or home. The basic concepts of Black Hat Tantric Feng Shui are introduced as a tool to enhance the students way of viewing an office set-up, to ensure the best possible outcome in their healing work.
Five Aspects of Energy
There are five fundamental energies that each person deals with in their daily lives. Learning how to balance these energies brings each person closer to harmony, peace and spiritual growth. Learning to live in balance can truly change the way that you deal with every life experience.
Introduction to Business Management
Many beginning businesses fail, due to lack of good basic business practices. Learn the need for good accounting and recordkeeping practices. Learn the need for the “paper trail” of documentation. Set up the standards for evaluation of the business to know where changes need to be made. Basic knowledge of MS Excel and MS Word is helpful, as well as a Quickbooks.
Managing a Non-Profit Organization
Managing a business is one thing, but knowing how to manage and deal with the intricacies of the non-profit world and where to start are very important in any ministry. Start to explore what is tax deductible and what is not. Learn how to keep professional books in integrity with your profession.
Manifesting Prosperity
Prosperity means other things besides money. Learn what living a truly prosperous life means: on the physical level, with relationships, money, material goods, health, family, etc.; on the emotional level with having love, peace, happiness, laughter and joy; on the mental level with easily accessing all the knowledge ever needed, by yourself or with the assistance of others, and finally, on the spiritual level, by truly knowing who you are and what you want, to be able to follow your own personal spiritual path. Find out what you want and get it.
Learn basic techniques of meditation for your own healing path. Explore of multiple methods of meditating to find the one that works for you. Meditation is the foundation of stress reduction. Stress reduction is the foundation of healing. Learn to use meditation in your own healing, and then with your clients.
Nutrition for Children
Proper eating for children begins in the womb. What the mother eats is often what the child craves as they grow older. All of the craving that the mother has while the child is in the uterus is what the child develops a desire for in growth – ice cream becomes the need for sweets and fatty foods etc. Retraining a child to eat healthy means even looking at how T.V. advertising affects children.
Natural Health Options for Immune Deficiencies
Constant sinus problems, reoccurring skin disorders, arthritis, fibromyalgia, as well as HIV and AIDS are all immune deficiencies, along with a lot of other physical, emotional and mental health problems. Learn basic natural healthcare options to assist in the healing process, along with diets, exercise and stress reducing protocols to assist in the health creating process.
Perceptions of Stress
Stress is neither positive nor negative. It is how we perceive it and deal with it that counts. Learn to look at life’s stressors in a new way and grow from them, rather than having them wear you down. The ability to change perception and be flexible is the ability to deal with stress.
Positive and Negative Causality (Love vs. Fear)
The opposite of love is fear. Living our life in love, and therefore trust, creates wonderful realities. Living our life in fear, and therefore abuse and distrust, creates unhappiness and failure. Learn to identify the coping mechanism that creates the fear/distrust/abuse pattern. Learn to take other options to health.
Power of Intent
When approaching a new job, new business or pretty much anything in life, a game plan is necessary. The clarity and focus of that game plan is based on the intent with which you create the thought process and follow-through. This is the power of intent. Learn how to make all your good intentions become your reality.
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