LifeSpirit Theological

LifeSpirit Congregational Church
Chartering Resolution of the LifeSpirit
Theological Seminary
This Chartering Resolution is adopted as of the Sixth day of January,
Whereas the Church is a religious organization duly recognized under 26
USC 501(c)(3) by the Internal Revenue Service and the Trustees are
incorporated as a religious organization in the State of New Jersey,
Whereas the Statutory and Case Law of New Jersey permit Churches to
establish Seminaries without State Approval, “…seminaries
are not subject to governmental supervision or accreditation by outside
agencies... However, if a seminary or other religious educational
institution decides to confer bachelor degrees upon its graduates, it
must obtain a license…” (Goodwin v State)
Whereas the By-Laws of LCC provide that its Mission extends to
educational activities and theological teachings as part of its
Expressive Association,
Whereas the Trustees of LCC do hereby Resolve that the LifeSpirit
Theological Seminary be established within LCC as a theological
educational Seminary, and
Whereas the Seminary is an integrated Auxiliary of LCC under its
nonprofit and exempt statuses, therefore,
- There is hereby
established a private, international non-governmental auxiliary known
as the LifeSpirit Theological Seminary (herein, the Seminary)
consisting of the Seminary and such Institutes as are hereby or may
hereafter be established there under. The juridical location of
the Seminary shall be in the State of New Jersey, United States of
America or wherever the Governing Board shall from time to time
determine by written Resolution, upon the request of the President of
the Seminary and consent of the LCC Board of Trustees.
- The Seminary is
established exclusively for religious, charitable, educational and
scientific research purposes.
- The
Mission of the Seminary is to provide Seminary-level theological
education leading to post-bachelor degrees, with all honors, rights and
privileges usually incident to them when granted in and by universities
or the schools of theology in the United States, and to offer
Continuing Education (CE) courses for Minister Practitioner
Candidates for such post-Bachelor degrees must present proof of
either completion of a four year undergraduate course of study, or its
documented equivalent.
In the absence of either or both of these proofs of
undergraduate study, the Seminary may, at the direction of the
President of the Seminary and recommendation of the Dean the applicable
Institute, with the approval of the Board of Trustees, choose to award
such honorary or earned post-graduate degrees as it deems appropriate.
- The Seminary
or its Institutes may issue, to any person deemed qualified (and
persons who have received a Bachelor Degree or equivalent from any
accredited institution shall be so deemed):
The degree of Master or Doctor of Religious Science, Natural
Health, Divinity or Sacred Theology, as may be appropriate in each
case, upon the recommendation of a Dean of the Institute, approval by
the President of the Seminary and the Board of Governors.
Such Certificates of Completion or professional Certifications
as may be deemed appropriate, based upon approved courses of study.
Candidates for such post-Bachelor degrees must present proof of
either completion of a four year undergraduate course of study, or its
documented equivalent.
In the absence of either or both of these proofs of
undergraduate study, the Seminary may, at the direction of the
President of the Seminary and recommendation of the Dean the applicable
Institute, with the approval of the Board of Trustees choose to award
such honorary or earned post-graduate degrees as it deems appropriate.
The Seminary may also confer honorary degrees upon persons
recommended therefore by any of the Deans or the President or
Chairpersons of the Board of Governors or Advisors.
Nothing contained herein shall be construed to authorize such an
institution to confer a degree or diploma authorizing the practice of
medicine, dentistry or law.
Ordained Minister degree recipients, where appropriate, may
engage in ministration to, or therapy of, the sick or suffering by
prayer or spiritual means, whether gratuitously or for compensation,
and without the use of any drug material remedy.
- The primary
governing body of the Seminary is the Board of Governors. The
Board of Governors has overall oversight of the structure and mission
of the Seminary and through the President of the Seminary, oversight of
the operations and programs of the Seminary, and its future development
and the day-to-day programs and activities. The President, with
the consent of the Board of Governors, may invite appropriate persons
to participate in a Board of Advisors to advise the President, Deans
and Boards.
- There is
established within the Seminary the following Institutes:
Institute of Wholistic Theology
Institute of Spiritual Theology
Institute of Sacred Theology
- Each Institute
is an autonomous entity within the Seminary, governed by a Dean of the
Institute appointed by President of the Seminary, upon approval by the
Board of Governors; any Dean may be suspended or terminated for cause
by the Board of Governors. Each Institute is authorized to apply
for, accept and receive donations, bequests, gifts and grants.
Additional Institutes may be established by Resolution of the Board of
Governors, with the approval of the Church Trustees.
- Appropriate
persons may be invited by the President or Deans to participate in the
Seminary or Institutes as Assistant Deans Professors and Lecturers,
Advisors or Students. Such persons shall be appointed, and may be
removed, by the relevant Dean upon approval by the Board of
Governors. Each Dean shall designate one Assistant Dean as the
Alternate to the Dean. The President and the Chairperson of the
Board of Governors shall each be appointed by the Board of Governors,
with the approval of the Church Trustees. The Chairperson of the
Board of Advisors shall be nominated by the President of the Seminary
and appointed or removed by the Board of Governors. The President
and Church Trustees are ex officio members of the Boards.
Voting rights in the Seminary are limited as provided herein.
- Voting rights
in the Boards of Governors and of Advisors are limited to the Church
Trustees and the members of each. Assistant Deans, Professors,
Lecturers and Student Representatives have equal voting rights in the
Institute Assembly of each Institute, chaired by the appropriate Dean,
under any Rules or Policies adopted by the Board of Governors to
establish and govern the Assemblies (the Assemblies may recommend Rules
and Policies to the President and the Board of Governors). The
President and Governors may periodically convene a General Assembly of
the Institutes. Meetings may be held electronically, as provided
by Rules adopted by the Board of Governors.
- The Seminary
shall be directed and supervised by (a) the President of the Seminary
(appointed by the Board of Governors, for ten year terms) and (b) the
Board of Governors (consisting of 3 or more persons, chosen by a
majority of the Trustees of the LCC, with the approval of a majority of
the Elders of the Church, for five year terms) with joint authority to
direct the affairs of the Seminary. The terms of the President,
Deans and Governors shall continue until replaced by duly chosen
successors. The Board of Governors shall act by majority
vote. By duly adopted Rule, the Board may delegate specific
functions, including the oversight and direction of specific
activities, to individual Deans, Assistant Deans, Professors or
Lecturers, under the general oversight of the President and appropriate
Dean. The Board of Governors shall hold an Annual Meeting during
June, or if appropriate, at other times of the year, and Special
Meetings at the request of a majority of the Board or President.
The Church Trustees shall be notified of any meetings of the Board, or
the Institute Assemblies, and be provided with a copy of the minutes
there of.
- The President of
the Seminary is the Chief Executive Officer and supervisor of the
Seminary and shall oversee its educational and research activities,
under Rules adopted by an absolute majority of the Board of Governors
that are not inconsistent with this Charter. Rules and amendments
thereto may be proposed by the President or a majority of the members
of either Board of Governors or Advisors.
- One Minister of
the Church, appointed and removable by the Church Trustees shall be
Chaplain of the Seminary and the Ecclesiastical Supervisor thereof. The
Chaplain, or a Minister acting on behalf of the Chaplain, shall
officiate at Seminary religious services, such as graduation
ceremonies, shall offer Prayer for the Seminary and its members and
shall issue Letters of Direction to any Graduate upon the request of
any Dean, setting forth the Required Sacerdotal Expressive Association
requirements of the ministry thereof.
- The Board of
Governors of the Seminary, or their duly appointed successors, subject
to the oversight of the Elders and Trustees of the Church, shall have
full and absolute power, control and authority over the activities and
property of the Seminary, subject only to the limitations expressly
stated in this Charter, including those expressed in this section, and
to do following:
- To purchase,
lease or otherwise acquire real or other property, and to conserve or
improve, or to sell, exchange, lease, mortgage, grant easements,
pledge, or in any manner dispose of, encumber, improve or deal with the
property of the Seminary or any part thereof or any interest therein,
upon such terms and for such consideration as they deem proper; to
accept the use of property of local units or other exempt bodies under
such terms as the parties shall deem reasonable;
- To contract,
for royalties, license fees or otherwise, for the development and
marketing of the Copyright materials, Trademarks, Patents and
Intellectual Property of the Seminary, establishing and entering into
appropriate Agreements and Title Holding limited liability entities,
for passive income, on its own behalf and with others. Such contracts
may include the Institutes of the Seminary where appropriate;
Such Copyright materials, Trademarks, Patents and Intellectual
Property, developed by an individual Institute, shall remain the
property of that Institute, and under its control.
- To incur
indebtedness, borrow, or lend money with or without security; enter
into contracts of all kinds; execute, accept, discount, negotiate and
deal in commercial paper, evidence of indebtedness and securities or
options of all types whatsoever; to purchase or otherwise acquire gold,
silver, precious materials and objects of all types; and execute
conveyances, mortgages, security agreements, leases, and any other
instruments, all on behalf of the Seminary only;
- To incorporate
the Seminary in such jurisdiction(s) as may be convenient and necessary
for the proper functioning of the Seminary, as an integrated auxiliary
of the Church; to apply for, accept and receive donations, bequests,
gifts and grants;
- To compromise
or settle any suits, claims or demands, or waive any rights relating to
the property of the Seminary, including its intellectual Property, and
under the oversight of the President;
- To sue,
prosecute and defend any and all actions in Courts of Law or Equity and
before Arbitration Tribunals, or elsewhere, affecting the Seminary or
its property, including its Intellectual Property, and under the
oversight of the President;
- To appoint
professors, lecturers, deans, associates, advisors, officers, agents,
attorneys, brokers, accountants and ministers, providing the same
(where appropriate) reasonable allowances, fees, commissions, salaries
and expenses, as well as paying professional and other proper expenses
(and to suspend any appointee, or terminate any appointee for cause) by
the President and under the oversight of Board of Governors; to
authorize, pursuant to NJSA 45:9-21, "the ministration to, or treatment
of, the sick or suffering by prayer or spiritual means, whether
gratuitously or for compensation, and without the use of any drug
material remedy..." under Rules established by the Board of Governors;
- To carry on
the activities of the Seminary nationally and internationally, and to
present, as a nongovernmental organization (NGO), its concerns to
individuals, groups and organizations throughout the world, through the
Board of Governors, and under the oversight of the President;
- To establish:
Courses of study and professional requirements by Rule; to issue
appropriate Certifications, Diplomas or Degrees to persons completing
any Board-approved courses of professional study (and to issue, suspend
or terminate any Certification for cause or revoke any Degree or
Diploma for cause) under the oversight of the President;
Peer-review and institutional review board (IRB) procedures,
educational institutions, associations, an Ethics Code and procedures,
under the oversight of the President (or to join such existing
institutions as may provide such services),
Or adopt forms and structures for professional practices.
All Certifications, Diplomas and Degrees shall be issued by the Dean of
the appropriate Institute (with honorary Degrees issued by the
President of the Seminary) under the authority of the Board of
- To sponsor
annual or other periodic, public or private meetings of the Seminary
for educational, literary or scientific research purposes, under the
oversight of the President of the Seminary;
- To establish,
by Rule, peer-review research and educational journals and online
facilities for the Seminary and for each Institute, providing for the
appointment of editors and webmasters.
- The
following limitations shall apply to:
- The activities
of the Seminary, in so far as same are required by the United States
Internal Revenue Code:
The Seminary shall carry on no activities not permitted to be
carried on [1] by a body exempt from Federal income tax under section
501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (or the corresponding provision
of any future United States internal revenue law) or [2] by a body,
contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the
Internal Revenue Code (or the corresponding provision of any future
United States internal revenue law).
No substantial part of the activities of the Seminary shall be
carrying on propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence
legislation, or participating in, or intervening in, any political
campaign on behalf or any candidate for political office or public
In the event of dissolution, all of the remaining assets and
property of the Seminary shall, after necessary expenses, thereof, be
distributed to such organizations as shall qualify under section
501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (or the corresponding provision
of any future United States internal revenue law), and the purposes of
which are compatible with the purposes of the Seminary.
No part of the income of the Seminary shall inure to the private
benefit of any member, advisor, or official, or any private individual
(except reasonable compensation for services to or for the Seminary)
and no advisor or official of the Seminary, or any private individual,
shall be entitled to share in the distribution of the assets on
- In determining
compensation, the Seminary Board of Governors shall approve
compensation arrangements in advance of paying compensation and
document in writing the date and terms of approved compensation
arrangements, record in writing the decision made by each individual
who decided or voted on compensation arrangements, approve compensation
arrangements based on information about compensation paid by similarly
situated taxable or tax-exempt organizations for similar services,
current compensation surveys compiled by independent firms, or actual
written offers from similarly situated organizations, and record in
writing both the information on which the Board relied to base the
decision and its source. Furthermore, the Board shall adopt a
standard Conflict of Interest Policy.
- This Chartering
Resolution may be amended only upon a written Resolution of the Board
of Governors, proposed by the President or any two members of the Board
and approved by the Board of Trustees of the LCC.
- All disputes
arising under, or involving the meaning of this Charter and the Rules,
or among the students, Lecturers, members, assistants, associates,
advisors, Seminary and its agencies, shall be settled by mediation and
binding arbitration. Any such dispute may be referred by any
party for binding arbitration pursuant to the Rules then in effect, and
under the auspices of the International Chambers of Commerce, or such
other arbitrator to which the parties may agree. The arbitration
decision may be enforced in any tribunal of competent jurisdiction.
adopted by the Board of Trustees of the LifeSpirit Congregational
Church, upon approval by the Council of Elders, as of the Sixth day of
January, 2008.
Congregational Church
/s/ Kathy A. Greene
Chair of the Board
of Trustees

Certified True Copy
/s/ Ralph
Secretary to the
Board of Trustees
Notary Public in New Jersey #2398815
Adopted as of 6
January 2008
Prepared by:
Ralph Fucetola JD
© 2008 /
Mission revised 23 July 2020
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