Caroline Bayard Banner

Holistic Teacher and Intuitive Healer

Rev. Dr. Caroline Bayard
Northeast Holistic Center
Belleville, New Jersey
04 May 1946 - 28 December 2016]

Rev. Caroline Bayard  

Rev. Dr. Caroline Bayard taught body-mind-emotions-spirit intuitive healing for several decades in the late 20th and early 21st Centuries, from her Northeast Holistic Center, Belleville, New Jersey, a local congregation of the LifeSpirit Congregational Church.  She inspired the establishment of the LifeSpirit Seminary, as a teaching collaboration of the local units of the Church.  This web page provides a permanent archive of some of her teaching work.  

You are invited to experience her work.  We would appreciate your support for LifeSpirit Church in memory of her Ministry, if you find these Teachings of value.  

Rev. Caroline termed her approach to holistic healing "Holistic Synergy."

Free-will donations may be made here:
Holistic Synergy

These postings are for personal knowledge only and any 'homework' or 'exercises' (as listed in some of the postings) that a person chooses to do is for the person's own edification; it will not be reviewed, checked or graded. Also those using this knowledge are solely responsible for any use they make using this knowledge.  All rights reserved.

Here are the postings:

                HOLISTIC SYNERGY - BODY (45 pages)
                HOLISTIC SYNERGY - MIND (36 pages)
                HOLISTIC SYNERGY - EMOTIONS (28 pages)
                HOLISTIC SYNERGY - SPIRIT (46 pages)
Please share this page with this link:   http://www.lifespirit.org/RevCarolineBayardLegacy.html

Caroline Bayard