Human BioAcoustics Credentials System
Credentials Index Introduction
The Trustees of SHRI have established, by Structure Resolution, a credentials system for Human BioAcoustics. The Credentials Committee is a Trustee Committee (chaired by one of the Trustees, Liz Longeran) that has overall control of the system; it may include other Trustees and does include the Subcommittee chairs as ex officio members. It also includes the Institute Counsel as a member.
Credentials Committee Mission.
Each subcommittee oversees a different area of credentials:
Advisory Board Mission
Ethics Subcommittee Mission
Certification Subcommittee Mission
Institute for BioAcoustic Biology - IBB Mission
Journal/Website Editorial Board Mission
IRB/Peer Review Subcommittee Missions
The subcommittees have different Standards or Codes to enforce.
Ethics Code
Certification Standards
IBB Chartering Resolution
Research IRB Standards
Peer Review Standards
Journal of BioAcoustic Biology Submission Standards
Health Research Institute, Inc. Credentials, IRB, Journal and Ethics Structure Resolution Rev 02/02/05; 08/24/05, 07/23/06 Whereas the Sound Health Research Institute, Inc. (herein, SHRI) is a nonprofit corporation duly recognized under state and federal law, Whereas SHRI was established, according to its Mission Statement posted at , to: “… engage in charitable, educational, literary and scientific research activities (1) to present the health, environmental, ecological, humanitarian and other benefits of Sound Health to the attention of the General Public and Opinion Leaders; (2) to research, and to publish research on, the health, environmental, ecological, humanitarian and other benefits of Sound Health; (3) to provide Sound Health education and services, on an over-all non-profit basis; (4) to research in an institutional and clinic setting with methods of analyzing (including pre-diagnostic, telemetric and other analysis and assessment methods), producing, and using Sound Health and (5) to further the research, development and exploration of Sound Health as a viable compliment to established and alternative wellness practices.” and Whereas Sound Health, Inc. continues to issue annual Research Associate credentials and the Trustees have determined that it is appropriate for Third Party Credentialing (TPC) to be handled through SHRI, as an independent exempt institution. Therefore, the Trustees have unanimously adopted the following Rules and Regulations to govern Credentials, Certification, IRB, Journal and Ethics matters for Human BioAcoustics (HBA). 1. SHRI’s Trustees, through the Credentials Committee, will formally issue or withdraw such TPCs upon the recommendations of the Credentialing Bodies established by this Structure Resolution (SR) and under the signature of the Chairperson of the Credentials Committee. 2. There is hereby established the following Committee, subcommittees and bodies within SHRI: (1) a Credentials Committee, (2) an Advisory Board, (3) an Ethics Subcommittee, (4) a Certification Subcommittee (Certification Board), (5) an HBA Journal Editorial Board and (6) an Internal Review Board and such IRB and Peer Review subcommittees or boards as may be advisable. (Amendment of 07/23/06) There is further established an Institute of BioAcoustic Biology, under its separate Chartering Resolution. 3. The Committee and subsidiary bodies have the following Missions – (a) Credentials Committee – a Trustee Committee of general oversight. This Committee, through its Chairperson, implements the recommendations of the subsidiary bodies and issues or withdraws TPCs. The Chairperson and Members are appointed by the Board of Trustees and serve at its pleasure. The Chairpersons of the subsidiary bodies (including the Editor-in-Chief and Webmaster) created by this Resolution are ex officio Members of the Credentials Committee, as is the Institute Counsel appointed by the Board of Trustees. (b) Advisory Board – includes credentialed professionals from various health care and science fields who advise on the contents of the Code of Ethics and Certification Standards as well as the Review Standards for the Peer Review Subcommittee, and such other matters as may be put to them by any member of the Board or by the Chairperson (including Editor-in-Chief) of any body created by this Resolution. Credentialed professionals may be invited to serve in an advisory capacity on the Advisory Board by the Chairperson of the Credentials Committee (one of whom the Chairperson of Credentials Committee shall designate as Chairperson of the Advisory Board) and may be removed from the Advisory Board by resignation or determination of the Board of Trustees. Members Listed (c) Ethics Subcommittee – implements the Code of Ethics (C/E) upon receiving complaints from clients; has authority to recommend that the Trustees decertify, suspend or withdraw TPCs; also hears appeals regarding Certification issues and Journal peer review issues. The Subcommittee consists of an Ethics Chairperson appointed and removable by the Chairperson of the Credentials Committee and such Members (not exceeding six) as may be invited by the Subcommittee Chairperson. The Chairperson and Members of the Subcommittee may be removed from the Subcommittee by resignation or determination of the Board of Trustees. Amendment of August 23, 2005: To be eligible for membership in the committees or other bodies created hereunder, a person shall have been involved in Human BioAcoustics education and research for at least one year and shall be in current good standing under the Certification Standards. The C/E has two parts – (to review the Code, click Here). (i) the Code of Conduct, a short statement of principles and injunctions about proper professional behavior (suitable for framing) and (ii) Ethics Enforcement Code that details how complaints are made, considered and appealed, and the consequences of a Finding of Unethical Behavior; also, procedures for Certification and Peer Review appeals. (d) Certification Subcommittee (Certification Board or Board for Professional Certification Standards) – implements the Certification Standards to recommend the issuing of various degrees of certification to Research Practitioners (existing practitioners to be ‘grandfathered’ and life experiences to be considered along with academics [both through Sound Health, Inc. and otherwise] and professional status). Certification to cover HBA as established by the research initiated by Sharry Edwards and to include such sub-specialties as Vocal Profiling and the like. The Subcommittee consists of an Certification Chairperson appointed and removable by the Chairperson of the Credentials Committee and such Members (not exceeding six) as may be invited by the Subcommittee Chairperson. The Chairperson and Members of the Subcommittee may be removed from the Subcommittee by resignation or determination of the Board of Trustees. Certification Standards (e) Editorial Board – publishes the HBA Journal on line (and downloadable) at the SHRI site, to replace the current of practice of publishing individual articles on the site without peer review. The Journal publishes in the area of HBA as established by the research initiated by Sharry Edwards. The Board consists of an Editor-in-Chief appointed by the Chairperson of the Credentials Committee and such Members (not exceeding six) as may be invited by the Editor-in-Chief. The Editor-in-Chief and any Member may be removed from the Editorial Board by resignation or determination of the Board of Trustees; Members serve at the pleasure of the Editor-in-Chief. Articles in the Journal are subject to Peer Review and Editorial Board approval; Journal comments, notes are subject to approval by the Editor-in-Chief. The Editor-in-Chief shall appoint a Webmaster or Co-Webmasters for SHRI (including him/herself) who shall be responsible for web site content under the direction of the Editor-in-Chief and who may be removed by the Editor-in-Chief with approval of the Board of Trustees. (Amendment 10/23/05) The name of the HBA Journal is the Journal of BioAcoutic Biology, JBAB. Peer Review (f) Internal Review Board (IRB) – adopts Guidelines for Research and oversees and reviews all research, carrying on the normal duties of an IRB under the direction of the IRB Chairperson; the Chairperson may appoint such subcommittees and temporary boards as may be required to oversee the research projects. The IRB consists of an IRB Chairperson appointed and removable by the Chairperson of the Credentials Committee and such Members (not exceeding six) as may be invited by the IRB Chairperson. The Chairperson and Members of the Board and subsidiary bodies may be removed from the Subcommittee by resignation or determination of the Board of Trustees. (i) The IRB, or a subcommittee under it, shall act as the Peer Review Subcommittee – approves Articles for publication under the Review Standards (Amendment 10/23/05) and Journal Submission Standards. The Subcommittee consists of a Peer Review Chairperson appointed and removable by the IRB Chairperson and such Members (not exceeding six) as may be invited by the Subcommittee Chairperson. The Chairperson and Members of the Subcommittee may be removed from the Subcommittee by resignation or determination of the Board of Trustees. IRB Standards (g) (Amendment of 07/23/06) Institute for BioAcoustic Biology - a teaching institution under the SHRI Credentials System, its Mission is set forth in the Chartering Resolution. 4. The Board of Trustees instructs the appropriate bodies created hereby to prepare, in cooperation with the Institute Counsel and the members of the Advisory Board, the following documents (for approval by the Credentials Committee): (a)
Ethics Subcommittee: Code of Ethics including 5. Practitioners who are in compliance with the standards established under this Resolution are considered to be in good standing, eligible for referrals, may participate in continuing education and HBA forums and are eligible for research support. The Board of Trustees reserves all rights. I certify that the above Resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Trustees as of January 1, 2005, and as amended thereafter. Liz Longeran, Trustee |
[SHRI Trustees] [Credentials Committee]
[Advisory Board]
[Ethics Subcommittee]
[Certification Board]
[HBA Journal Editorial Board]
[IRB/Peer Review
[Inst. for BioAcoustic Biology] Rev 02/01/05, 10/23/05, 07/23/06 |
Advisory Board (Members
Ethics Code (Click
Here for Code)
Certification Standards (Click
Here for draft Standards)
Institute for BioAcoustic Biology (Click
Here for Chartering Resolution)
Research IRB Guidelines - Click
Here for draft Guidelines)
Peer Review Standards (Click
Here for Standards)
Journal of BioAcoustic Biology -
Standards for Submission to JBAB - click
2. Advisory Board- Dr. Rudy, Dr. Chrucky, Dorinne Davis
3. Ethics Chairperson- Judy Chambers -
4. Certification Chairpersons- Karen Holmes / Sharlene Simmons
5. Editor-in-Chief JHBA; Webmaster - Kathy Fucetola -
6. IRB Chairperson-
Nancy Blachly -
6a. Peer Review subcommittee- Nancy Blachly
7. IBB - Institute for BioAcoustic
Sharry Edwards,
MEd, Dean -
8. Institute Counsel- Ralph Fucetola JD -
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