2002 O Spurgeon English Humanitarian
Award.2001 IANS "
SCIENTIST OF THE YEAR"According to the Word of God and the mandates of Science everything is frequency; and frequency is everything. Science shares this thought by stating that the most common denominator of all structure, the atom, is energy; a form of frequency. This truth is implicit in Einstein's famous equation, e=mc2
Footnote. An expression attributed to God states that "In the beginning was the word" and since sound is also frequency, God joins science in the observation that at its foundation, frequency is the basis of our universe.This thought gives credence to the idea that our bodies are frequency and energy. This collection of energy patterns, called a Signature Sound, is a frequency representation of all that we are. If we were to learn the governing patterns of individual Signature Sounds we would be able to interpret and have dominion over all aspects of our mechanical and emotional substance
Essentially all forms of curative intervention, influence the frequency systems of the body: Heat is a form of frequency; color is a form of frequency; sound, smell, vibration, static charge, homeopathic remedies, herbs and even medications at their structural base, are all forms of frequency. Experiments have been repeated that show that introducing a person to the Frequency Equivalent
ä for niacin, a nutritive substance, can cause a niacin-like skin flushing; the same as if the person actually ingested the nutrient.Back to
TopResearch and investigation into the idea of using voice spectral analysis and low frequency sound presentation to help the body reverse its own disease
Some similarities to light therapy are obvious since both use the concept of full spectrum oscillation. Light as a healing modality seeks to use full spectrum light, while BioAcoustics techniques employ the idea of full spectrum sound.
The process of BioAcoustics requires two distinct processes if maximum results are to be achieved: Determining the individualized vocal patterns for each person, prior to any actual sounds being provided, is essential. Just as important, are the sound formula sets that must be specifically constructed and presented to each individual.
A BioAcoustic vocal analysis can be used alone to identify the frequency equivalents of biochemicals, nutrient compounds, muscles and structural components within the body. Both components, vocal analysis and sound presentation, is performed to assure that each person is given the most accurate and comprehensive management.
An integrated BioAcoustic approach would seek to identify and influence the systems within the body that produce, interpret and use frequency.
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The use of vocal sounds has probably been performed intuitively as a response to human interactions even before the ability to consciously make and interpret sound was realized. Using computer analysis, the sounds of spontaneous moaning, groaning, yawning, screaming, sighing, laughing and 'fillers' sounds, such as "mm" and "ah" have been found to contain the stressed frequencies that are required to elicit improvement.
The principles of BioAcoustics originate with the idea that the brain perceives and generates impulse patterns that can be measured as brain wave frequencies; which in turn are delivered to the body by way of nerve pathways. The theory incorporates the assumption that these frequency impulses serve as directives that sustain structural integrity and emotional equilibrium.. When these patterns are disrupted the body seeks to reveal the imbalance by manifesting symptoms that are interpreted as disease and stress.
Inquiry by modern as well as ancient researches have attempted to develop a screening procedure that would accurately delineate the frequency measurements of the body. BioAcoustics uses voice spectral analysis as a tool to identify and interpret the constant, complicated frequency interactions within the body. The technique has provided insight into the possibility that the frequencies contained in the vocal patterns provide a holographic representation of the human body. BioAcoustics attempts to promote structural and emotional integrity. [In the animal kingdom, vocalization patterns are being studied as a representation of the environment. This is a separate branch of BioAcoustics.]
BioAcoustics, with emphasis on human voice spectral analysis, was originated in 1982 by Sharry Edwards, M.Ed. BioAcoustics facilities are located in six countries plus those positioned in the United States. At present hundreds or researchers have been trained with about 40% of those being medical practitioners. Not all of these individuals are practicing. Approximately one-third of those trained take the course to learn to become care-givers for chronic or critically ill family members. A Web Site,
http://www.soundhealthinc.com/ keeps students and research practitioners informed.BioAcoustics proposes the idea that the body requires the presence of a full range of harmonious frequencies working cooperatively. Consider the body as a musical instrument. When even one note is out of tune, the result is often discordant. Tune the instrument and the sounds become consonant.
It has long been known that sounds reflected from a metal girder could predict the integrity of the structure. This parallel was used to develop the process of using sound to test the integrity of bone density and formation. Each structure and process within the body has a distinctive combination of frequencies that must be present for the body to maintain integrity. The body is capable of being self diagnostic but not so capable of self generating the frequencies that are required for restoration.
The idea of using sound to facilitate change within the body is not a contemporary notion. Song and movement to create mood and provide physical dominion over the body was an intimate part of almost every culture on earth but those efforts were often surrounded with superstition and mysticism. It wasn't until recently that computerized technology and instrumentation was developed that allowed the advancement of procedures that could be used to allow the body to individually predict and prescribe for itself.
By correctly interpreting the data, appropriate patterns can be provided that will help the body reverse it own disease.
According to the Word of God and the mandates of Science everything is frequency; and frequency is everything. Science shares this thought by stating that the most common denominator of all structure, the atom, is energy; a form of frequency
Footnote. An expression attributed to God states that "in the beginning was the word" and since sound is also frequency, God joins science in the observation that at its foundation, frequency is the basis of our universe.This thought gives credence to the idea that our bodies are frequency and energy. This collection of energy patterns, called a Signature Sound, is a frequency representation of all that we are. If we were to learn the governing patterns of individual Signature Sounds we would be able to interpret and have dominion over all aspects of our mechanical and emotional substance.
Essentially all forms of curative intervention, influence the frequency systems of the body: Heat is a form of frequency; color is a form of frequency; sound, smell, vibration, static charge, homeopathic remedies, herbs and even medications at their structural base, are all forms of frequency. Experiments have been repeated that show that introducing a person to the frequency formula for niacin, a nutritive substance, can cause a niacin-like skin flushing; the same as if the person actually ingested the nutrient.
Massage, chiropractic, exercise, laying on of hands healing, Reiki, etc. are all forms of frequency interaction and exchange.
No matter what the nature of the input, information is received by the brain in like form. We see frequencies of light, they are transformed into electro-chemical impulses and sent to the brain. We hear octaves of sound frequencies that are translated into electro-chemical impulses and then provided to the brain for interpretation. No matter what we perceive, on what octave, it is all received by the brain via the same route of frequency impulses; brain waves.
If we are composed of frequency patterns, it seems reasonable to use the most readily available frequency source of the body, the voice, to obtain information about the body. The voice is a source of sound; the ear is the most obvious receiving unit of sound. The voice and the ear form a dynamic system that are extraordinary as inherent diagnostic systems of the body.
The voice is capable of displaying a kinetic account of the body in motion. The ear and skin are both capable of receiving the information necessary to establish balance within the body.
As the frequencies of the body become chaotic, manifesting symptoms, pain or emotional stress, the vocal print begins to display the same disorganization.
Using a computer representation of the voice, decibel and frequency can be used to identify the stress. The vertical axis is used to show decibel, the horizontal axis to show frequency. Points that are located high on the graph, "Risers," would proportionally represent sound frequencies that are loud and over abundant. Points that show are low, "Stringers," would indicate sound frequencies that are not apparent. The objective is to cause the voice to "collect" in a smaller, more unified pattern. Fewer Risers and/or Stringers would indicate more coherence in a vocal presentation.
Consider, for example, the voice graph of, Melissa, a person who suffered from hyperostosis. Melissa reported a pain level of "13" on a possible scale of 1-10; 10 being the worst. Melissa's issue was hyperostosis. The excess calcium buildup was inside the skull. It was reasonable to conclude that this was the reason for her severe headaches. The high peak on the chart indicated a vocal frequency that was over stimulated.
A low frequency sound, mathematically based on the peak, was mechanically introduced. The result was the peak decreased and reunited with the majority of the voice. The pain decreased to a level three. As the pain decreased, the voice began to show coherence. As this occurred the voice collected in a smaller, more compact pattern. The first evaluation showed vocal dissidence; the second showed vocal coherence.
Repeated trials have shown that vocal coherence can be an indicator of states of health and mood. Frequencies that are lacking, over abundant or dissident can be used to construct frequency sets that may help the body reverse its own disease.
Over time, the entire body begins to respond. In the case of Melissa, not only were the headaches eliminated but other symptoms began to dissipate as well. Problems with metabolism, reproduction and digestion all moved toward normal functioning.
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TopBioAcoustics requires individual analysis and evaluation that is learned by the provider through intensive training and laboratory practicums. Manual and computerized technologies allow a client to be evaluated in a relatively short period of time; usually less than two hours for a manual analysis; considerably less time for a computer analysis. On line evaluation will soon be available requiring a minimum time commitment by the Provider.
Listening to or making sounds, motor skill integration, if appropriate, plus questions about history and present circumstances are the usual mode of personal interaction with the client. In many cases, information is provided by the referring professional.
Using all available data, assessment information and history, the needs of the client can be determined. In many cases, standardized procedures can be helpful but sometimes rigid diagnostic appraisals can lead to myopic conclusions. A myriad of conflicting symptoms can also lead to wrong and vague diagnosis. It is essential that the Provider keep an open mind until all of the evidence has been evaluated and connected.
BioAcoustics seems to have the ability to look at the root cause of disease; beyond the presented symptoms. For many referring professionals, this potential offers promise as a predictive and pre-diagnostic tool.
Since BioAcoustics is not commonly offered by medical facility, clients are usually required to travel to a central location to be evaluated. An overnight stay or longer is not unusual. Some facilities require preliminary paperwork notifying the client, or guardian, that these procedures, at this point, are research oriented. Assessment rooms are usually equipped with viewing rooms so that apprehensive parents or partners can observe. In the case of young or challenged individuals, parents are often asked to assist in the actual evaluation.
Listening and vocal testing has been standardized. Talking into a microphone, listening to sound and responding are the usual methods of assessment. It is not mandatory that a client be able to hear or speak to benefit from BioAcoustic procedures. Special and sometimes unusual methods must be employed for deaf and/or non vocal clients.
Depending on the system, sound presentation and auditory responses can take place using headphones or ambient sound. The choice of appropriate sound formula sets for presentation is based on several interactive factors. Voice assessment sounds to be presented are usually selected through objective biofeedback such as blood pressure, temperature, oxygen saturation and heart rate plus subjective feedback such as the relief or elimination of symptoms.
Depending on the symptoms, treatment can be either short or long term. Reassessment, monitoring and program adjustment is essential, in most cases, for continued improvement.
BioAcoustics often acts as a complement to other modalities that might require the removal of obstacles or additional information that is not available through conventional evaluation. An advantage of vocal testing is that levels of symptoms, that are often conflicting, can be separated and identified. BioAcoustics has the advantage of identifying and dealing with consequences previously thought to be irreversible.
Conventional diagnosis and labeling is not as important as identifying the indigenous frequencies of the originating patterns. The diagnosis of digestive upset is not as important as presenting the frequency that will enhance the use of the offending or latent digestive enzyme.
BioAcoustics should not be confused with Frequency Therapy that uses ranges that are not considered to be auditory. In addition the frequencies are delivered by way of transducers directly placed in contact with the body. BioAcoustics uses ambient sound and/or headphones.
BioAcoustics is very different from music or light therapy because the sounds used are not always within the range of vocal or instrumental octaves. In the case of BioAcoustics, the objective is to entrain brain waves. To do this, very low frequency sounds are required.
The sounds used by BioAcoustics are created by frequency generating and filtering equipment. The actual results are being accomplished by the harmonics of the sound formula formats. As a means to personally involve the client, the use of the voice as a supplement to mechanical presentations is encouraged.
Unlike light, sound frequency can be presented over a range of eleven octaves (20 to 20,000 cycles per second) while the known spectrum of visual light is one octave. Shades of light can be extremely varied; shades of frequency can be very precise and are required to be. In some cases a difference of .02 can mean the difference between affect and no affect.
Outcomes are individual and varied; often depending on the expertise of the practitioner combined with the cooperation of the client to continue the planned program. The fact that some people demand the right to honor their diseases is an additional mystery that figures in the recidivism rate.
Many of the case studies that have shown improvement are of persons who have little awareness of what is expected. Likewise, newborns and comatose clients have little chance of having any investment in the expected outcomes.
The most significant issue that influences outcomes is re-assessment. Monitoring and program adjustment is essential if long term physical and emotional issues are to be influenced. The most common frustration encountered by the Provider is the inability to convince the client to continue to use the sounds. It's a similar problem that doctors have of getting the last few antibiotic pills swallowed after the patient begins to feel better. Many clients are embarrassed to come back once the symptoms return because they have not continued with the planned program of intervention. It is essential that the Provider take an active role in supervising each case. Simple weekly or monthly report forms can be used for this purpose.
Reconditioning the client to new abilities and coping strategies are also relevant to continued success.
After the initial assessment clients have the choice to do nothing, they can return to the Clinic for treatment or a program of home managed care can be developed. Each program is individually based on the outcomes of assessment and sound presentation trials.
In the past, the presentation of sounds using BioAcoustic techniques were time consuming and cumbersome. Now with the development of computerized equipment, the client can be sent home with an automatically timed program that will deliver a planned program on a specific time table; this devices is known as the Square One
ä Tone Box.The ability to create automated sound presentations has improved the efficacy of the technique for BioAcoustic research practitioners. This can be illustrated by the following long-term case history: William had been a research subject for the past several years. He was an avid sports fan who continually overplayed his body and then was irritated when his joints protested. He enjoyed, soccer, handball, racquetball, pool, softball, basketball, skiing and tennis.
His activities were particularly hard on his knees and shoulder. William came to the Clinic as a reluctant but somewhat cooperative subject. All of his medical advisors had suggested that he curtail some of his sports activities. This was not advice that he accepted gracefully.
Two years ago William damaged a knee. His sports physician had diagnosed synovitis and prescribed an anti-inflammatory. When the medication became expensive and the monthly blood tests a nuisance, he came to us for help. Using frequency he was able to alleviate his symptoms within the same time frame as the medication. This was frustrating to the Provider because there was evidence that the BioAcoustics should have worked in a much shorter time. Upon questioning, it was discovered that William was only using the sounds for short durations if he should happen to experience a twinge of pain. He immediately suspended the use of the sound when the pain ceased.
When William returned with the same knee problem plus a damaged rotator cuff a few months ago, he was asked to test the latest portable version of the equipment that incorporates a programmed set of frequencies with an automatically controlled timer. Within a few days, he experienced no more pain. Within six days, his shoulder was "like I hadn't hurt it" with no pain and no restrictions whatsoever. His knee will require reassessment but he can now play without pain and without restriction. The only intervention was BioAcoustics and the best part, for him, was the fact that he was not required to slow down or restrict his activities.
The new patented Square One tone generator enabled him to connect directly to a speaker and forget it. Previously he had to consider the settings as he manually changed and monitored the formulas. It was simply too inconvenient for him to "muck about" with those dials. With the new automatic delivery system, the treatment was effortless and took up none of his time that he could have spent surfing the sports channels.
Each client is evaluated individually; each program designed specifically for that person. Monitoring is done using a best case scenario approach; as suggested by the National Institute of Health. Change is expected; and monitored by the alleviation of symptoms and under the direction of the Provider. Adjustments are made in the program based on reassessment or until the desired results are achieved. The initial time span involved can be a short as a few hours while monitoring can continue for several years.
Treatment is altered based on objective and subjective information including feedback from the client, evaluation, physician directives, laboratory findings and the relief and/or acceleration of symptoms. In most instances the time a client is required to actively participate is decreased until no more than a maintenance dosage is warranted. Data from accumulated case histories suggest that this precautionary measure be taken.
Temperature is used to safely monitor sound presentations. Many of the changes in symptoms are corroborated by the referring physician or associated medical advisor.
Voice Spectral Analysis has had success with varying issues during their research efforts but several specific areas of expertise have emerged; sports injuries and structural problems, pain management, nutritional evaluation and tissue regeneration being among the most successful. Of particular interest, using vocal assessment, is the recent finding that implies that the poor use of digestive enzymes is responsible for allergic reactions.
The inventory of unsuccessful outcomes of BioAcoustics is short. Not much data has been gathered concerning invading forces such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast or parasites; although a pilot project is being conducted that looks promising [methods developed since this article was first written in 1997 show very promising results].
Metabolic issues can be detected but reversal of such issues as overweight have been only partial successful.
It is not recommended that BioAcoustics be used for emergency situations such as poisoning, traumatic bleeding, broken bones or issues analogous to heart attack and appendicitis unless no other treatment is possible.
Medical evaluation is needed for medical emergencies. BioAcoustics is more appropriate for pre-diagnostic, predictive and reversal of non-emergency symptomatic conditions. For instances, it would not be suggested that BioAcoustics be used to set a broken bone but it could be used to accelerate healing, reduce pain and swelling and decrease the duration of recuperation.
BioAcoustics can be used as a pre-diagnostic tool with a great deal of accuracy. Particularly when the symptoms are varied, obscure or non discriminating. Historically the techniques of BioAcoustics have been predictive of issues before they become apparent. BioAcoustics has become a very useful tool for pain relief especially when the use of medication is contraindicated.
This foundational work will likely support many variations of BioAcoustics as the data and acceptance begins to expand.
Preventive Value of BioAcoustics
Nutritional assessment can be very expensive. Using vocal assessment it becomes an inexpensive and time saving preventive measure. Recently the identification of a seven year, long problem was solved when a nutritional analysis revealed that all components relating to the Kreb cycle were under stress. This shows that BioAcoustics can provide indicators that would prompt medical attention.
Indications that Fibromyalgia may be a result of stored drug deposits in the muscle tissues, prescription or otherwise, are a result of BioAcoustic nutritional vocal analysis. This experimental aspect of BioAcoustics shows promise as a pre-diagnostic tool.
BioAcoustics is particularly helpful as a supplement to sports medicine and traumatic structural injuries. As a complement to occupational, physical and chiropractic therapies, it shortens and facilitates the exercises. Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ) has responded particularly well to BioAcoustic methods.
Although the foundational principles have not as yet been completely established, the results are undeniable. From the preliminary research is appears that the sound presentations cause entrainment of brain wave frequencies. In turn these frequencies act as a support to the body until it can maintain independently.
At present the scope of practice and treatment for BioAcoustics is only limited by the number of practitioners and the acceptance by the insurance underwriters. Most practitioners have a waiting list. It wasn't until recently that computerized equipment allowed for the inclusion of BioAcoustic assessment as a complementary tool to conventional wellness practices. These recent improvements in assessment time and presentation delivery will allow BioAcoustics the potential to become a standard pre-diagnostic tool.
BioAcoustics is offered through intensive 5-day workshops as well as through longer Seminar course work. BioAcoustics can be taken for credit as well as CEU credits and will soon become a certificate program that will eventually be offered as a two year allied health degree through the Nursing Program at Hocking College in Nelsonville, Ohio. Focused classes dealing with TMJ, muscle injury and nutritional analysis have been developed. Other universities and colleges are following suit and there are plans for a tele-course that will be available via satellite and computer programmed learning. Both educational programs offer Certification.
There are no prerequisites for a BioAcoustic course of study. The ability to be observant and high school level math skills are mandatory. Having the desire to help those in need is not a prerequisite but it will become a part of your life if you choose BioAcoustics as a career. Curiosity, patience and willingness to be flexible are probably good traits to develop as survival tools.
The curriculum components are lecture, laboratory practicum and internships.. Students usually choose to concentrate on developing the skills of a clinician, teacher or researcher.
In order to place BioAcoustics into the position of being a viable complement to any medical plan or treatment, accredited training and placement programs must be developed. Educating the public to the outcomes of BioAcoustics is critical. Both of these steps need to be taken before BioAcoustics can reach its full potential.
BioAcoustics has no regulating agency because the significance of any exchange is relegated to the subtle energy body.
BioAcoustics is still experimental in various stages of reception. This is probably the largest obstacle to the common utilization of BioAcoustics and the reason for reluctance from insurance companies to approve payment for services and equipment. The most open areas have been for rehabilitation and pain management. The more progressive companies are becoming receptive as the data is evaluated. An obvious reason for reservation is due to the fact that BioAcoustics, as a science, is in its infancy. Nevertheless the results are significant and repeatable.
Grants and research funds have been slow in coming. Most of the data collection has been made financially possible from clinical fees, private donations and the never ending sacrifices of those who are intimately involved with the work. Once the technique gains acceptance and insurance payments are approved, students and clients will be plentiful. One goal is the establishment of a not-for-profit Foundation to accept grants, donations and bequests on behalf of BioAcoustics [since this article was first written, the Sound health Research Institute was established,
The pioneers of BioAcoustics realize that no one is obligated to accept anecdotal accounts as successful interventions; only continued documented results will provide the opportunity for acceptance.
BioAcoustics receives the majority of referrals from agencies and wellness practitioners. Remaining referrals are from satisfied clients and their families. Once a person critically examines the data, it is hard to refute the information. Those who attempt to argue with clients or keep them from their sounds are usually met with threats of bodily harm.
Most of the present day research for BioAcoustics using voice spectral analysis has been done by Sound Health Inc. Guided by the very unusual healing ability of the founder, it was shown that people emit sounds that are in a range not normally perceived.
The first publication concerning this work was published as a graduating thesis by Sharry Edwards in 1982. In that initial paper, Sharry was very cautious about revealing that she had a very unusual ability. She could hear sounds from people that were not normally perceived. A hearing test revealed that she could hear well above the normal range and equally surprising, could produce sine waves with her voice. The production of sine waves by anything other than a machine is quite unusual. She has been tested in three labs, including one at Wright Patterson Airforce Base to prove the point that her voice is unique.
Sharry was cautioned by her professors and colleagues to keep this information to herself. How could she be hearing sounds being emitted from the side of a person's head. After all, there was nothing there to create a sound and certainly the ear was incapable of making sounds. Later, Wendell Browne of Johns Hopkins University published several papers indicating that the ear is capable of emitting a sound that he called oto-acoustic emissions. He assumed that the stapes muscles in the ear were responsible. A recent work by James P. Cowan, Environmental Acoustics, states that the actual formation of the ear canal only lends itself to creating sounds that range from F-A. The sounds that Sharry heard contained a full range of notes over several octaves.
The research leads us to believe that the brain creates frequencies that are amplified through the brain fluids. [Liquid is a highly efficient sound conductive source.] The sounds created by the brain are then amplified by the ear and this is what is audible.
From being able to hear the sounds being emitted, we were able to use trial and error to correlate sound with diseases and muscles. Being able to have clues that sent us in the right direction made the entire field easier to develop.
The work with Signature Sound and BioAcoustics have been made possible from this talent that was perceived, at first, as very esoteric. Today modern computers and electronics have made it possible for the ideas of BioAcoustics to be moved from the realm of disbelief and fear to one of repeatable science and technology. The goal has been one of education because we believe that what people don't understand, they fear. It has been our mission to prove that what Sharry is capable of doing can be duplicated through technology.
"I feel very fortunate to have been able to contribute many of the clues that has made this particular branch of BioAcoustics possible", states Edwards when she is questioned.
"I will continue to work with those persons who are non verbal and hopefully, in the very near future, we will be able to develop a microphone that will determine the body frequencies without the need for voice spectral analysis. Eventually we will be able to use this technique with animals and in the not too distant future, to help our environment", she states from her usual visionary perspective.
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TopBioAcoustics was originally developed to consider the potential applications for the frequencies thought to emanate from living systems. Now that the foundation work is completed the possibilities are far more extensive than previously imagined. Areas of development for BioAcoustics are being explored. The following is a partial list of issues that have been investigated by BioAcoustics.
o support for improvement of sports injuries and trauma
o Blood chemical evaluation
o Predictive biological system analysis for insurance and medical models
o Individualized medications that would reduce side effects
o Medical monitoring through voice spectral analysis via telephone
o Drug and chemical screening for law enforcement agencies
o Large area pest control without creating environmental side effects
o As an insect or shark repellent
o As a non toxic fertilizer
o Food preservation through low frequency presentation
o Reversal of environmental pollution
BioAcoustic blood chemical evaluation is an actual program of information that will show the relationship of chemical elements within the body. Using a non intrusive vocal print, the presence and usage of chemical elements can be determined. The technique provides instant feedback, and is very inexpensive to administer and execute. This technique has the potential to add to the present medical data base regarding the interrelationships of chemical elements. It could be used by nutritional outlets, medical and hospital laboratories and individuals who take supplements. The elimination of drug related side effects is also a potential outcome of this technique.
BioAcoustics has shown considerable promise to allow scientists to glimpse the interconnected systems of the body; not just as closed systems that work together but the actual play between muscles and muscles, muscles and biochemistry, muscles and emotions, etc.
Using vocal prints of all individuals involved, problem areas and compatibilities, can be identified. This would work well in negotiation settings, work disputes, marriage and family counseling, etc.
One pest, mosquitoes, has been persuaded to leave an area using low frequency sound. Studies have been conceived that would allow the pest control any species to be repelled or attracted using low frequency sounds.
Only one pilot project was completed but the results show that low frequencies can retard spoilage that would enable a new technology of food preservation and storage.
Whether it be in the body or the earth, there is a potential to reverse the effects of pollution and poisons.
The development of BioAcoustics and related technologies as a valuable asset to alternative wellness practices has taken many years of dedicated work, many thousands of dollars and a mountain of mistakes. The results speak for themselves: BioAcoustics using specific and controlled frequencies plus innovative patterns of delivery can and will continue to have a significant impact on disease, stress and trauma.
If you review the history of all great ideas and inventions, all of them, at their inception, were mere intuitions in need of nurturing. Our responsibility is to educate society, by whatever means, to let them know that by using the old and the new, the esoteric and the scientific, by human voice or machine, we can all work together toward the common goal of becoming healthy individuals living in a healthy society. Success comes from experience; experience comes from making mistakes. Let's get on with the job without prejudice or ego. There are enough sick people to go around and there are more than enough well people who want to achieve and maintain optimal wellness to keep all the research practitioners busy for the foreseeable future.
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Top Footnote: While Einstein's great Formula is usually given as e = mc2, a more complete expression is hf = mc2. This version of the Formula is derived as follows: since e = hf [the energy value of a wave equals h (Planck's Constant) times f (the frequency of the wave)] and e = mc2, then hf = mc2. Since h and c are Constants of Nature and do not change, f and m, which do change in the Formula, must have a one to one relationship - one changes as the other. Mass is frequency. rf : BioAcoustics is not intended to diagnose, prescribe for, treat or claim to prevent, mitigate or cure any disease. The term Frequency Equivalent is a Service Mark of BioAcoustics and Sharry Edwards. The Sound Health Research Institute is an independent, exempt corporation established to support BioAcoustics research.Back to Top
Suggested Reading List
Becker, Robert O., Cross Currents. Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc. Los Angeles, California. 1990.
Becker, RO, Sleden, G. The Body Electric. Guill. New York. 1985.
Bonny, H., Savary, L. Music and Your Mind. Station Hill Press. Barrytown, NY. 1990.
Browne, Wendall. Oto-acoustic emission publications. John's Hopkins University. Baltimore, MD.
Cowan, James P. Handbook of Environmental Acoustics. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, New York. 1994.
Edwards, Sharry. Published Papers 1982-1993, 12th Edition. Signature Sound Press. Athens, Ohio. 1995.
Edwards, Sharry. Published Papers - 1993-1995. Sound Health Publications. Athens, Ohio. 1996.
Edwards, Sharry. "Five Cases Suggesting that Biological Screening For Chemical Elements can be Facilitated Through Voice Spectral Analysis." MegaBrain Journal.
Edwards, Sharry. "Low Frequency Sound: It's Efficacy as a Biofeedback Modality to Verify Muscle Strength and Weakness" [pilot research report]. Sound Health Press. Athens, Ohio. 1996.
James, Jamie. The Music of The Spheres. Copernicus of Springer-Verlag, New York, New York. 1993.
Gerber, Richard. Vibrational Medicine. Bear & Company, Santa Fe, New Mexico. 1988.
Godwin, Joscelyn. ed. Cosmic Music. Inner Traditions. Rochester, Vermont. 1989.
Halpern, Steven. Sound Health. Harper & Row. San Francisco, CA 1985.
Hunt, Valerie. Infinite Mind. Mailbu Publishing. Malibu CA. 1996.
O'Connor, M.E., Bentall, R.H.C., Monahan. J.C. eds. Emerging Electromagnetic Medicine. Springer-Verlag. New York, New York. l990.
Pond, Dale. Vibratory Physics. Delta Spectrum Research. Tulsa, Oklahoma. 1995.
Srinivasan, T.M., ed. Energy Medicine Around The World. Gabriel Press. Phoenix, Arizona. 1988.
Talbot, Michael. The Holographic Universe. Harper Collins. New York, New York. 1991.
Tomatis, Alfred A. The Conscious Ear. Station Hill Press. Barrytown, NY, 1991.
Tomatis, Alfred A. The Ear and Language. Moulin Publishing, Norval, Ontario, Canada, 1996.
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