Tones, Chords & Frequency Equivalents
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2000, Sharry Edwards[Ms. Edwards replies to a web site where frequency information is posted.]
I find the discussion concerning tones, chords, sounds and the earth fascinating. I have been working in this area for quite a few years and have some information that may be helpful.
Each note (frequency) has a series of other frequencies that it "plays" with to create holistic balance within a system of the body.
Each note (frequency) has a series of harmonics that it "plays" with to create the harmonics we observe throughout the systems of the body.
Normally the harmonics are used to nourish long term, multiple systems that are in stress. For instance, I've seen frequency normalization and reversal ("spontaneous remissions") in some types of cancer (limited subject base) where we were using the harmonics of the Krebs Cycle to achieve and maintain a harmonious Voice Spectral Analysis.
Normally the frequency sets are used for one system or one issue.
Each nutrient, biochemical substance, organ and emotion has a series of predictable relationships that are mathematical in nature.
For example, the Frequency Equivalent
Sound Health Research Institute
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