Responding to a question about various historical schools of sound healing, Ms. Edwards emailed us:

From: "Sharry Edwards" <>
Subject: Re: When Intention Is Not Enough
Date: Monday, Aug 28, 2000

The sound of the human voice was the first healing modality, and mothers the world over have always soothed their young with melody. Song is the epitome of intentional vocal sound. While I agree that intent is very important in this work, I disagree that intention is always enough. We make unintended sounds involuntarily, sometimes, that are just perfect for what is needed at that moment -- I have seen comatose people use their own voices to help themselves in this way.

I had this conversation with a dear friend last night: if intention was all that there is, the team with the most supporters would always win. The person with the strongest mind would win the lottery. This is not the case as we all know. Sometimes the lottery is won by a person who barely registered buying the ticket. There is something more working here than conscious thought or intention. We are beginning to learn what it is and I would like to explore the possibilities -- especially the frequency connection.

My son was in a motorcycle accident and could not move most of his leg. He is very strong willed. We worked on his leg and he was able to walk but he still could not raise his big toe. He finally came to the clinic. I identified the muscle that was needed while he was trying hard to concentrate on his toe and move it. He was convinced that if he could only isolate the muscle, he could move his toe. I turned on the sound without telling him. He yelled that he got it and he could move his toe. I turned the sound off. He said "No, wait. I lost it again." I then told him what I was doing.

It was clear that the sound helped support his ability to move his toe. He had been trying to move this toe for two years without success. A few seconds of the sound allowed him to move the toe. Within two weeks of moving the toe, he no longer needed the sound to move the toe. This clearly shows that intention, though required, was not enough. Entrainment through precise frequency was needed as well.

We have found, for example, that the spine responds to the frequency of white light based on the even tempered scale if the issue is fatigue or injury. If the issue is biochemical or muscle deterioration, etc. the scale used is a slight modification of the Pythagorean scale.

The frequency along with the rhythm of the input is very important. The frequency is from the brain and nervous system; the rhythm comes from the heart.

Muscles of the back and spine each have their own frequency and these individual frequencies can be used to strengthen or weaken any muscle.

For instance, we recently had a client at the clinic that had an inflammation of C-6. We used the strengthen frequencies of C-5 and C-7 to allow the C-6 to rest. The voice print revealed that the actual issue was a too tight deltoid and a too weak platysma. Although the spine was experiencing the pain, other muscles were the cause. The human body exhibits specific responses to specific frequencies.

Jeffrey Thompson and Theo Grimbel have also done investigations into the frequencies of the spine. The Rosicrucians most closely agree with Gimbel who has published a book about sound and color healing that contains the frequencies of the spine.

The Rosicrucians are most closely aligned with color as light. For instance they perceive G as RED. G is RED to a right brained person.

RED and Green are opposites by pigment. This means that C and F# are opposites by frequency if you use pigments. Pigment is used for physical issues. RED and Cyan (blue green) are mathamatically opposite by light. So C and G are opposites by light. Light opposites are used for processing issues. So if anyone is using the music of the Rosicrucians to indicate the frequencies of the spine, it would be prudent to try all three sounds to see how the particular body is responding. If the spine frequency of C is weak, use C. If the spine frequency of C is strong, use F#. If the frequency is not actually a spine frequency, but a biochemical issue of the spine, use G.

The bones of the body have nearly the same frequency for all humans. The muscles have slightly more range while the organs have a large variety of ranges. Biochemical substances each have their own Frequency Equivalents.

According to Dr. Becker the body uses analog signals for self-healing. The most useful tool any of us have to help the body predict and heal its own issues, is our own voice. There is an exception to that statement. Those people with muscle/nerve issues such as ALS and MS have a carrier rhythm to their voices detrimental to their own healing. Feeding the person the right frequencies for that individual is paramount.

Although we can analyze the voice digitally, the most efficacious sound presentation is delivered in analogue form. This is a particularly important issue when the frequencies being delivered are low frequency (below 100 cycles per second) sounds. It is yet to be seen what effects, if any, the carrier waives of musical CD's (usually sound above the low frequency range) produce. [Incidentally the carrier wave of CD's is the same frequency range that has been associated with prostate issues.] Not only will the use of CD's as "sound therapy" deliver questionable frequencies, but, the carrier wave will overload in the F - F# range. When people look to CDs or digital frequency generators to provide some sort of sound therapy, they will not get the best results.

For those of us who are doing this work in the hopes of educating and helping others, the result will be that the consumer will mistakenly assume "sound doesn't work." BioAcousticä and other legitimate studies and research shows that it most certainly does work! But only when applied with accuracy and integrity, using the most appropriate equipment. This means the sounds need to be delivered using analogue sound, individually programmed for that specific person and accurate to the hundredth of a frequency. Remember that even with a placebo, there is 30% effectiveness.

Thus, following the First Law of Healing, DO NO HARM, we must conclude that great care needs to be taken when offering anyone frequencies intended to harmonize, nourish and rebalance the system -- the right technique and the right equipment must accompany the right intent.

Intent is not enough. Understanding the relationships between Sound and Brain Dominance, for example, are prerequisites to a true science of BioAcoustics. All the well-intended notions of the many schools of thought, ancient and modern, are no substitute for research, experiment and knowledge. BioAcoustics offers just that experience and knowledge. Dr. Tomatis said that "Sound is the Food of the Brain" and, BioAcoustics adds, true nourishment for the whole person.

For Harmony,

Sharry Edwards


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