Trimancy - Divination by Threes


Trimancy is Divination by Threes.

The Truth Aspects, Yes, No and Indeterminate are the foci of the method,
which is used extensively by the cultures which developed on ZOMTAT.

Trimancy grew out of a spiritual project I began in the 1970s after reading Israel Regardie's Middle Pillar; it is part of the back story for my personal Spirit Temple. Trimancy is an essential aspect of the interaction between the Spirit Temple (the Great Crystal Tower) and this world of spacetime limitation...

For the Backstory see:

An Essay on Trimancy:
Essay on Trimancy, the Video:
The Books of the Crystal Tower:
Shaman's Song, a Novella of Discovery:
Tales of the Crystal Tower:

   Yes - KaDYUP
   Indeterminate - NY><Z
   No - NUP

The Sacred Language, with its emphasis on letter triplets with synchronistic relationships, naturally gives rise to divination by triplets. The usual procedure is to write the Words in order, as received, with a + for positive, - for negative and / for Indeterminate; at any point where a zero "0" is generated, that should be so noted, as the process stops at zeros. All the Indeterminancies are are put down in order, creating a Trimantic Sentence or Haiku (ZAMaM-PSADLABZL).  

The hierarchy of terms: [1] Prime Triplets, [2] Prime Terms, [3] Aspect of the Terms, [4] Subsequent Terms, [5] Aspect of the Subsequent Terms, and [6] Tri-Letter Root Terms (for Clarification, without Aspect). 
This page will open with a series of random numbers chosen. Refresh this page to generate new random numbers. The Trimantic Reading is determined by Six (2 x 3) Random Numbers.

FIRST NUMBER (Prime Triplets) shows 1 to 10. "10" signals that the time is not ripe to divine. The digit 1 - 9 (3 x 3 = 9) determines which of the Prime Triplets applies.  

Then take the number appearing below, in the 
SECOND NUMBER (Prime Term) . which determines which one of the Prime Terms (3 x 9 = 27) from the chosen Prime Triplet applies (a zero, "0" indicates that the screen should be refreshed and a new First and Second Number generated:

THIRD NUMBER (Aspect of the Term) below, 1 - 3, shows for the chosen Prime Term:

0 = Refresh Screen for new set of Numbers
1 = Positive
2 = Indeterminate
3 = Negative
If the point is Indeterminate [#2], additional steps are required. Consult the 
FOURTH NUMBER (Subsequent Term) , below, for a Subsequent Term, chosen from among the 9 x 9 (81) added terms which further exemplifies the meaning. These Terms are listed below the (3 x 9 = 27) Primary Trimantic Terms. A zero "0" in this position indicates a Stop to the process at this point.

Then, the 
FIFTH NUMBER (Aspect of the Subsequent Term) determines whether the Subsequent Term is Positive, Negative or Indeterminate (#2 in the 5th box). If it is Indeterminate, refresh the page and consult the FOURTH and FIFTH boxes again; if that additional Subsequent Term is also Indeterminate, again refresh the page and continue, until all Indeterminancies are reconciled. A zero "0" at any point in this process indicates a Stop in the process at this point.

SIXTH NUMBER (Clarifying Root Term) , the Tri-Letter Root Terms, may always be consulted, for clarification of the reading. A zero "0" in this postion indicates a Stop to the process at this point.

FIRST BOX (Prime Triplets)

SECOND BOX (Prime Term)

THIRD BOX (Aspect of the Term)

FOURTH BOX (Subsequent Term)

FIFTH BOX (Aspect of the Subsequent Term)

SIXTH BOX (Clarifying Root Term)

The Primary Trimantic Terms
(First, Second and Third Numbers)

-10 / 0 - Try again later...

- 1 -  Potential Self:  Za>M LAZLaMU>

LAZLaMU>  -  potential
URZa>M  -  higher self
N><Z<>  -  goddess

 - 2 -   Time Now:  TaT TaBOD

TO>TaT  -  future
TU<TaT  -  past
TaB DYaMYABOD  -  now (success)

 - 3 -   Love Foundation: KaM YATOD

TUPYaT  -  foundation 
KaM  -  love
CaD  -  growth

 - 4 -   Dragon: MACRODOT

NODL  -  pain
YODL  -  joy
MACRODOT  -  dragon

 - 5 -   Power Path: TODT ZARATADOD

TODT  -  power
NODaZMaT  -  confusion
ZARATAD  -  pathway 

 - 6 -   Abundant Work: B<> DUROD

DUR  -  abundance
KLEZaLTeR  -  rebirth
B<> / ZLAB<>   -  great work    

 - 7 - Star: COMTAT

COMTAT  -  star
SAK  -  water
MAC  -  air

 - 8 - Persevere: DAM

TAKAK  -  earth
NOSAT  -  loss
DAM  - perseverence

 - 9 - Caution Danger: NaDLABeR NODAKOD

NODAKO<  -  danger past
NODAKU>  -  danger future
  caution now

The Subsequent Trimantic Terms
(Fourth and Fifth Numbers)

1 LAM - exist
2 LAZ - potency
3 LAD - start
4 ZaL - life
5 ZaM - Spirit/Psi
6 ZAK - Manifestness
7 NY<> - indeterminate
8 NOZ - void
9 NeZ - destruction
10 TAT - space
11 TAB - place
12 TaT - time
13 TaD - now
14 TAP - span
15 TAS - outside
16 TAD - gear
17 TUP - down
18 TUZ - month
19 TaD - now
20 TOT - matter
21 TUD - waste
22 KaZ - friend
23 KaD - truth
24 KaP - beauty
25 CAK - desire
26 CAB - light
27 CAM - change
28 NOT - division
29 NOD - negative
30 NAK - small
31 YaB - structure
32 YaT - organization
33 YAC - pierce
34 MOM - many
35 MAC - gas
36 MaD - mentality
37 TOT - matter
38 TAZL - tree
39 TAPL - plane
40 NeKaZ - foe
41 NeKaD - falsity
42  NeZALAB - to banish
43 ZaS -father 
44 ZeS - mother
45 ZaLAK - seed
46 DOT - ordinary, regular
47 DYAML - duty
48 DAB - strength
49 KaZD - real
50 KaDYUP - true yes
51 KaTOT - solid
52 BROL - clean
53 BOD - other
54 ZaLT - birth
55 CAS - wind
56 CAC - point, blade
57 CAP - sight
58 SOM - silence
59 SaD - sound
60 SOP - secret, hidden
61 MaK - sensation, feeling
62 MaS - communication
63 MOC -aroma
64 TeT - mass, weight
65 TOB - within
66 TOTL - thing
67 NeKaD - falsity
68 NeTaT - never
69 NaHaRZ - anger
70 DaZ - (ideal) form
71 DaZD - perfect (form)
72 DaC - awake
73 N><ZDAM - Chaos
74 N><ZDOM - chance
75 NY><ZeR - randomness
76 NOM - neutral
77 NYaK - abstract
78 NOZAL - death
79 NOZCAPAT - shadow
80 NOSAT - loss
81 NODAK - danger

Clarifying [123 = 3 x 41] Root Terms
(Sixth Number)


1.    Z<> - Deity
2.    ZAM - ritual
3.    ZaZ - Tea
4.    ZaL - life
5.    ZaM - Spirit/Psi
6.    ZAK - Manifestness
7.    ZOM - dimension
8.    ZAP - world
9.    ZUR - zero
10.    L<> - Oneness
11.    LAM - exist
12.    LAZ - potency
13.    LAR - one
14.    LAB - do
15.    LAD - start
16.    LAT - body
17.    DY<> - the Way
18.    DOT - ordinary
19.    D<> - the End
20.    DAB - strength
21.    DAK - hard
22.    DAM - persistence
23.    DaM - go
24.    DaT - process
25.    DaC - awake
26.    DaR - two
27.    DaZ - form
28.    DUR - abundance
29.    S<> - the Silence
30.    SaD - sound
31.    Sat - receivable
32.    SOP - secret, hidden
33.    SUS - quiet
34.    SUR - three
35.    K<> - Agape
36.    KaM - love
37.    KaZ - friend
38.    KAZ - lover
39.    KaD - truth
40.    KaP - beauty
41.    KaR - four
42.    KOR - circle
43.    C<> - Illumination
44.    CAK - desire
45.    CAB - light
46.    CAM - change
47.    CAS - wind
48.    CAP - sight
49.    CAD - jewel
50.    CaP - crystal
51.    CaD - growth
52.    COL - day
53.    COM - starlight
54.    COZ - prediction
55.    COP - reflection
56.    CUT - flame
57.    CUB - gold
58.    CAR - five
59.    H<> - Peaceness
60.    H<>Z - peace
61.    H<>L - solitude
62.    HaZ - ease
63.    HAT - stop
64.    HAD - completeness
65.    HUD - containment
66.    HOZ - health
67.    HOT - stores
68.    HaR - six
69.    Y<> - Yesness
70.    Y<>S - greeting
71.    YOM - allness
72.    YOK - mate
73.    YaS - up
74.    YaB - structure
75.    YaT - organization
76.    YAC - pierce
77.    YAB - eager
78.    YAT - thing
79.    YUP - yes
80.    YOB - permissive
81.    YaR - seven
82.    N<> - Cosmic Indifference
83.    NOM - neutral
84.    NY<> - indeterminate
85.    NOZ - void
86.    NUP - no
87.    NOT - division
88.    NOD - negative
89.    NAK - small
90.    NeZ - destruction
91.    NaR - eight
92.    T<> (ZT<>) Psimattergy as One
93.    TAT - space
94.    TAB - place
95.    TaT - time
96.    TaD - now
97.    TAP - span
98.    TAS - outside
99.    TAD - gear
100.    TUP - down
101.    TUZ - month
102.    TOT - matter
103.    TaR - nine
104.    M<> - Cosmic Multiplicity (maia)
105.    MOM - many
106.    MAC - gas
107.    MaD - mentality
108.    MaK - sensation, feeling
109.    MaR - ten [LARZUR]
110.    B<> - Great Work
111.    BOD - otherness
112.    BOS - speed
113.    R<> - Cosmic Submission
114.    Rad - submission
115.    ReT - right (legal)
116.    RAT - ifness
117.    ROC - need
118.    ROP - opening
119.    ROD - ride
120.    ROM - goal of coming
121.    P<> - Cosmic Question
122.    PY<> - Cosmic Consent
123.    POB - question