. . . LifeSpirit
Organization LifeSpirit
Congregational Church |
Index: Roster of Local Units Roster of Ministers Ministers' Links & Regulations Vaccination Pastoral Counseling Church Ritual Cannon Law Ministers' Code Sacred Texts Support LifeSpirit: Affiliations & Donations |
Ministers' Links & Regulations
our Beliefs through our
The organization of the Church is structured with independent Local Congregations and their integrated auxiliaries and church-affiliated organizations relating through central church organs (the LifeSpirit Organization) operating through the First Congregation and the Trustees. The central church organs include the Congregation of Elders (all of the Elder Members of the Church meeting at the Annual Meeting in September of each year), the Council of Elders (representatives of the local congregations overseeing joint financial concerns), the Council of Trustees (overseeing the operations of the Church) and the Council of Prophets (the Founders as High Priest and Priestess, overseeing the Doctrine of the Church and the Orders, as Ecclesiastical Supervisors thereof). The Church as a whole, through the Trustees, has authority to ordain Ministers to oversee Local Congregations. The Local Congregations have authority, under the oversight of the Trustees, to license and ordain Minister Practitioners. Provisions are also made in the By Laws for Student Ministers. Theological education is through the LifeSpirit Theological Seminary.
"The Special Legal
Status of Churches, Ministries and Church Related Expressive
Association under United States Law"
[08/17/09] See: http://www.lifespirit.org/Church-Legal-Status.html
Theological Seminary www.LifeSpiritSeminary.org www.LifeSpirit.org/ClergyTitles-1a.pdf LifeSpirit Local Congregations' Gateway www.lifespirit.org/lifesporgs.html History
of the LifeSpirit Church Ministers'
Code of Conduct Instructions
for the Ministry Ministerial
Expenses Chart LifeSpirit
Teachings Page Church
Fundamental Documents: Church Bona
Document The
Golden Rule and Transhumanity The
Ministry & the Quest Parsonage
Allowance The
Ministry and Alternative Practices Informed
Consent Form Sacred
Texts Church
Ritual How
to become a Minister Practitioner LCC
MINISTER PRACTITIONER FAQs. the Abomination of Vaccination http://www.lifespirit.org/Religious-Injunction-Against-Vaccination.htm Kuan-Yin |
Minister's Code of Conduct from the Certificate of Ministry:
1. Ministers shall always abide by the injunction, "non-aggression against non-aggressors."
2. Ministers shall, when acting on behalf of the Church, practice "Retreat from the Evils of the World" and not seek confrontation with the instrumentalities of coercion.
3. Ministers shall be guided by the knowledge that Illumination is the Goal of the Free; they shall expose illusion, coercion and falsity, condemning these as violations of the LifeSpirit.
4. Ministers shall, when ministering to others, always act with informed consent and shall Do No Harm.
Local Units
of November 2019
Congregation (Sussex
County, NJ), www.lifespirit.org/lifespirithome.html
LifeSpirit Center; Golden Apple Library,
Earthbridge (Milford, PA), http://www.lifespirit.org/earthhome.html
[Retired] PAR Awareness (Bergen County, NJ), www.lifespirit.org/parhome.html
[Retired] Northeast Holistic Center (Essex County, NJ)
Legacy of Rev.
Caroline Bayard - Holistic Synergy
Lightwing Center (Morris County, NJ), www.lightwingcenter.org, www.lifespirit.org/lighthome.html
Odiyana Khandro Ling (Holy Garden of Angels / Benson, VT) - http://www.OKL.guruRoster of Ministers
Please Contact the Local Congregation
To Verify Ordained Status of Minister
Church Ritual
The Church Ministry sponsors traditional religious rituals. These include Marriages, Memorials, Namings and traditional Solstice and Equinox celebrations. Samples of such rituals can be found in The LifeSpirit Commentaries, the compilation of early LCC publications, Comments. This 170k .htm file is bookmarked and indexed. You will find articles on sacraments and ritual and, in its appendix, the following:
of the Spirit of Life
(a variation on the traditional Huna cleansing ritual) -
- HoOp
Heart Chakra Opening Dance - Comments.htm - Heart
Wedding Ceremony - Comments.htm - Wed
Circle of Light Ritual - lightform.html
We have also published a personal spiritual Clearing Ritual, Clearing.html.
Ritual (Instructions)
for passing from this Life into
the Other is found in
The Book of Passages,
The Circle of Light Ritual is the fundamental LifeSpirit Ritual, and the Making of the Circle has been repeated hundreds of times by Church communicants at many diverse locations, including, of course, the Crystal Dragon Circle medicine wheel at the LifeSpirit Center parsonage, TriPod Rock, while circling the Rock - www.tripodrock.org, and at the Moment of the Harmonic Convergence Sunrise in 1987...
More can be found at the Peace Prayer pages, including links to ritual archives.
Weekly Intentionality Circle - http://www.lifespirit.org/LifeSpiritPrayerCircle.html
LCC Sacred Texts Other
Primary Texts LifeSpirit
Teachings Page |
Site use Statement
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medical advice from your primary care physician. |
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Article 18 - "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance."
NOTICE: The Herein Private, Privileged and Confidential Message or Other on behalf of LCC' and or Communicants' is to be considered printed in the color of red ink, equals, = private..., and is for discussion only; and is lawfully privileged..; NOT INTENDED FOR USE BY PUBLIC FICTIONS THAT RECEIVE IT, ARTIFICIAL BEING-S” non-existing non existential…. LCC\Universally. . . States that all Forces.. Dimensionally.. and Otherwise.... Provide LCC and Its Communicants... Who so Choose... Wellness... Peace.., Happiness.., Protection.., Prosperity.., Wealth.. Now and Forever...:: Three Clap Technique - Hidden Rune . . .
ã 2002 - 2007, 2010, 2019 . . .